Novicehood is the earliest stage of life in Avalon where you transition from a Newborn with no skills, to a fully-fledged member of society, boasting a smattering of skills and an apprenticeship in a guild.
During your first hours in Avalon, you will be considered a novice. In practical terms this means that you cannot access the Bulletin Board, you cannot involve yourself in elections, join a specialist guild or choose a patron. These restrictions have been introduced in order that you think carefully about your character's progression (particularly in terms of a guild) before making a choice. You can spend your five hours in any way that pleases you, the Academy of Mercinae, the College of Parrius, the Orphanage of Silverfalls or the Institute of Thakria are essential places to learn a basic core of skills. You will have to perform the accolade quests to end your novicehood. Type HELP ACADEMY for information crucial to your young character's development and HELP ACCOLADES for details on graduating from novicehood. The academy leads onto the school (see HELP SCHOOL) which is the gateway to guild apprenticeship.
Responsibility for looking after novice and junior players lies with the Public Relations ministry in cities and designated tutors in guilds. See HELP TUTORS for info on guild tutors and their whereabouts; HELP PUBLIC for insight into the Relations ministry and HELP RELATIONS for command-set available to those charged with looking after novices, juniors and apprentices.