Famous Wizard Names Throughout Fantasy and History

A list of famous wizards throughout all mythologies and fantasy worlds

Famous Wizard Names - A List

Wizards are a common archetype across all fantasy: novels, movies, online roleplaying games and all manner of RPGs; text based, graphic or tabletop. Here is a list of some of the most famous wizard names throughout history:

Wizard Names: A-J

  • Alatar the Blue, one of the five Istari in Tolkien's legendarium
  • Alastor Moody, legendary auror in J.K Rowling's "Harry Potter"
  • Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts in J.K Rowling's "Harry Potter" series
  • Allanon, brooding Druid-Mage of Terry Brooks' "The Sword of Shannara"
  • Barid Bel Medar, Demandred, one of the Forsaken in Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time"
  • Belgarath, The Eternal Man, David Eddings' "The Belgariad"
  • Divayth Fyr, Telvanni Lord of Tel Fyr in "The Elder Scrolls III, Morrowind"
  • Elan Morin Tedronai, Ishamael, Nae'Blis and Forsaken in Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time"
  • Faegan, Keeper of the Tome in Robert Newcomb's "The Chronicles of Blood and Stone"
  • Gandalf the Grey and the White, one of the five Istari in Tolkien's legendarium
  • Gwydion, wizard of Welsh mythology
  • Harry Dresden, eponymous frontman of Jim Butcher's "The Dresden Files"
  • Harry Potter, titular character of J.K Rowling's "Harry Potter"
  • Jafar, advisor to the Sultan and usurper of the throne in Disney's "Aladdin" adaptation

A Mage in Avalon unleashing the fire vortex

Agarwain, the Firebrand runs his hand through the fire vortex about his person, gathering flames and rolling up the fires into a ball; which he hurls off as an enormous fireball. Agarwain, the Firebrand directs his mighty elemental attention at Apple-cheeked Orr, whirling a supernaturally huge fireball into being. The white-hot fireball smashes into Apple-cheeked Orr with a crescendo of flame. Apple-cheeked Orr is covered in the white-hot fires of the exploding fireball.

Wizard Names: K-R

  • Kingsley Shacklebolt, auror office, J.K Rowling's "Harry Potter"
  • Lews Therin Telamon, Dragon and World Breaker in Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time"
  • Logain Ablar - False Dragon, Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time"
  • Merlin, wizard of Arthurian legend
  • Mustrum Ridcully, Archchancellor of the Unseen University in Terry Pratchett's "Discworld"
  • Mr O'Roarke of "Fantasy Island"
  • Oz, the Great and Powerful, eponymous character of L. Frank Baum's "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"
  • Pallando the Blue, one of the five Istari in Tolkien's legendarium
  • Paul Daniels, famous television magician
  • Prospero, protagonist of Shakespeare's "The Tempest"
  • Radagast the Brown, one of the five Istari in Tokien's legendarium
  • Raistlin Majere of "The Dragonlance Series"
  • Rand Al'Thor, The Dragon Reborn, Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time"
  • Richard Rahl, Seeker of Truth in Terry Goodkind's "The Sword of Truth"
  • Rincewind from Terry Pratchett's "Discworld"

A Wizard readying for battle in Avalon

Agarwain, the Firebrand calls forth a spring of spurting droplets of silvery light; a fountain of ritual-source from the very ground. Into the centre he reaches and a magestaff rises into his hand. He takes the staff and holds it aloft, ready for battle.

Wizard Names: S-Z

  • Sauron, the eponymous Lord of the Rings in Tolkien's legendarium
  • Saruman the White, one of the five Istari in Tolkien's legendarium
  • Severus Snape of J.K Rowling's "Harry Potter"
  • Simon Magus, known as Simon the Sorcerer - religious figure in Christianity
  • Tayschrenn, High Mage in Stephen Eriksonn's "Malazan Book of the Fallen"
  • Thoth-amon of Robert E. Howard's "The Phoenix on the Sword"
  • Tretiak, Directorate Wizard, Robert Newcomb's "The Chronicles of Blood and Stone"
  • Wigg, Lead Wizard of the Directorate, Robert Newcomb's "The Chronicles of Blood and Stone"
  • Voldemort, A.K.A Tom Riddle in JK Rowling's "Harry Potter"
  • Wizard - the top level position of victory in typical MUDs