Avalon - online RPG world

Trade & Crafting

Amassing a fortune - whether on behalf of city, guild, divine order or simply personal avarice - is the dream of many a thrifty Avalonian and merchants, astute traders and keen economists can wield considerable might in Avalon. Throughout history, there have been numerous famous (or infamous) examples of individuals who - through shrewd trading, frugal hoarding and masterful command of Avalon economics - have started wars, enforced (and ended) trade embargoes, bankrupted (and therefore starved) their competition and sown the seeds of their first commodities and gold into fledgling empires...

Economic Kingpins Throughout Avalon History


Marie of the Enchanters was awarded citizenship of Kristanisti for her services bolstering the Parrian treasury. Under her rule, Kristanisti flourished into the most developed market in Avalon with the widest array of goods available anywhere in the land, making Marie Avalon's first millionairess.


Fatalus of the Craftmasters masterminded Springdale's economic policy for a number of years; dominating the trade market and becoming filthy rich as a result of his manouevring. Fatalus used his wealth to purchase the town of Oakwood's End; assuming leadership and building a fortress complete with a drawbridge, battlements, secret vaults for his riches, and - of course - the makings of a mercenary army with all that that entails...


Tukar of the Thieves was infamously frugal; amassing his fortune through a series of well-stocked, expensive shops, locksmithing services and a goods-laundering enterprise. He was able to use his fiscal influence to assume control over the town of Knightswood in an inter-city peace treaty. Knightswood under Tukar was transformed into the land's largest town outside of the cities as it grew and grew and grew in wealth, trade, riches, buildings and business. So great was this expansion that the town became the most coveted prize in the land; causing no less than three wars between the cities of Mercinae and Parrius, the last of which saw Parrius impose martial law and begin the most profitable tribute and plunder of any military force outside a city conquest itself.

"Gold and commodities are the foundation of Empires."

Village Trading

All of Avalon's two dozen villages, towns and communes produce commodities throughout the Avalon year (around two real weeks) and these tend to be similar year to year, enabling experienced traders to make plans and predictions and stock calculations. Competition can be fierce and a lost opportunity may be the least of your worries should you find yourself staring down the nose of an ambush from a violent rival...

Each village has a trading post - a market - in which commodities may be bought and sold. The commodities produced by the villages differ - as one may expect - by region; each supplying commodities apposite to their environment. For example, the mountainous areas such as Thaumacie and Coriona produce metals, ores and precious stones, the riverside village of Krempton produces fish, and the more ruralistic townships such as Ladakh and Eleuthera produce animals.

Syntax: GOODS while standing within a village market

Providing there is no trade exclusivity enforced by the city in whose influence the village resides, all are free to trade in a town's commodity market. The GOODS command while inside such a market will reveal details of each commodity; what is for sale, how much it costs, how much is in stock and what the village would pay to buy the commodity from you. There are limits on how many commodities may be sold to a village; this is dependent on its treasury and only through experimentation and experience can traders calculate the best deals.

2002h, 2002m aex ---goods
Commodity Buy   Sell   Amount      Commodity  Buy   Sell   Amount
========= ===   ====   ======      =========  ===   ====   ======
Wheat     3gp   20gp   18          Sugar      2gp   9gp    22
Cotton    5gp   20gp   18          Iron       200gp 500gp  20
Yarriol   130gp 250gp  20          Copper     100gp 450gp  20
Adamant   250gp 300gp  24          Gold       50gp  175gp  20
Silver    50gp  100gp  37          Fish       5gp   15gp   20
Straw     0gp   20gp   20          Meat       20gp  0gp    5
Clay      1gp   4gp    27          Tin        100gp 350gp  20
Animals   200gp 0gp    0           Leather    20gp  349gp  27
Marble    40gp  60gp   20          Balsa      1gp   19gp   29
Spices    0gp   4gp    20          Furs       30gp  250gp  26
Wood      8gp   30gp   20          Honey      2gp   9gp    20
Papyrus   20gp  35gp   20          Eggs       5gp   24gp   10
Yeast     10gp  20gp   20          Gems       20gp  85gp   20
Flint     2gp   4gp    20          Essences   20gp  145gp  17
Rope      5gp   30gp   24          Glass      20gp  0gp    1
Sand      2gp   9gp    34          Oil        5gp   20gp   20
Dyes      1gp   9gp    13          Salt       15gp  25gp   2
Potato    5gp   35gp   0           Wax        5gp   0gp    2501
Wool      20gp  49gp   20          Silk       200gp 300gp  20
Hemp      10gp  0gp    0           Bronze     250gp 400gp  25
Soy       1gp   9gp    25          Dung       5gp   0gp    0
Flowers   2gp   4gp    2744        Milk       0gp   0gp    80
Fruit     1gp   8gp    115         Wine       0gp   0gp    57
Arrows    0gp   0gp    207         Weapons    0gp   0gp    13
Rations   0gp   0gp    2730

Syntax: TRADE PRICES followed by the name of the village

Syntax: TRADE ITEMPRICE followed by the name of the commodtiy

From a city's trading centre, members of the ministry of trade are able to view, at a glance, the market prices for a specific village or specific commodity. The TRADE PRICES command performs the equivalent of a GOODS for a specific village; allowing trade ministry officials to review opportunities as if stood in the village itself. The TRADE ITEMPRICE command lists the prices and availability for the specific commodity across all villages within the city's sphere of influence. This can be most useful for gold-laden trade aides when determining the best places to buy or sell.

Crafting Through Personal Labours

All Avalonians gain a smattering of crafting ability through the labours skill. This ability is primarily used to create everyday items such as clothing, musical instruments, tools for further labours or farming and other miscellanous equipment. Crafting items in this manner requires commodities specific to the desired item, e.g. fabrics for clothes, metals and furs for instruments, wood for pipes and so forth and most require a template for those without crowned ultimate in their labours skill.

On occasion, existing templates for rare items can be difficult or impossible to track down; hoarded, hidden or simply lost to time. There exist several smithies within the land that - for a hefty price - are able to provide templates for use in later crafting. Experimentation and exploration is advised.

Many of these craftable items are original player designs; written and submitted to be created and used within Avalon and as such, some designs are secret, unique to an individual or organisation and cannot be reproduced except by permission.

Syntax: CRAFT followed by parameters

Typing CRAFT in Avalon will display a list of all base items that are able to be created, e.g. knives, cauldrons or pipes.

2002h, 2002m e  ---craft

You are able to use your CRAFT to create the following items: Stick, Wand, Crucifix, Watch, Tankard, Knife, Bracelet, Applepie, Flute, Cloak, Box, Eagle, Medallion, Robe, Brazier, Brooch, Barrel, Book, Vase, Mirror, Serpent, Glass, Harp, Lute, Bar, Horseshoe, Ring, Cake, Bun, Slice, Surcoat, Bell, Kit, Boots, Tinderbox, Staff, Necklace, Cauldron, Table, Hairpin, Lyre, Canoe, Mist, Hammer, Shirt, Coat, Door, Gauntlets, Quiver, Shoes, Bowl, Snowshoes, Drumstick, Tabor, Tabla, Tambourine, Clarinet, Guitar, Viol, Fife, Viol bow, Lantern, Rod, Cup, Coffin, Blade, Hat, Pole, Chest, Shorts, Handkerchief, Belt, Wreath, Bucket, Case, Globe, Bangle, Sign, Painting, Scroll, Nightgown, Headband, Pipe, Horn, Tunic, Trousers, Nails, Saw, Paint, Coop, Sack, Chicken, Hood, Pouch, Axe, Backpack, Dress, Whip, Fishcake, Fish, Scabbard, Mask, Pan-pipe, Trumpet, Pork, Pitta, Earring, Suit, Dart, Waistcoat, Slippers, Jacket, Pyjamas, Umbrella, Wrap, Pants, Cushion, Blanket, Bed, Cape, Spade, Garland, Treaty, Sash, Oboe, Potato, Potatopie, Cage, Crucible, Pan, Wheel, Auger, Ox, Bung, Plough, Smoker, Pick, Crabpot, Fishing-rod, Line, Wheelbarrow, Seedbelt, Feather, Cart, Wagon, Scales, Whistle, Trombone, Oar, Vat, Jumper, Bikini, Dulcimer, Spellbook, Badge.
155 total types available.

Syntax: CRAFT < base-item >

These are in turn broken down into a list of different designs of that same item, for instance a blow-pipe and a wooden pipe, a huge cauldron and a demon-summoning cauldron. Typing CRAFT followed by the name of the base item will reveal a list of designs visible to you:

2002h, 2002m aex ---craft pipe

1. "a wooden pipe" (open).
2. "a long metal pipe" (open).
3. "a blowpipe".
*4. "an ebony pipe".
5. "an ivory pipe".
Total of five types for the "Pipe" range.

Syntax: CRAFT < base-item > < design number >

To review the requisite components for creating an item, along with its description, type CRAFT followed by the base-item name followed by its design number:

2002h 2002m aex ---craft pipe 1

It is an open craft object. It does not require a template.
1. "a wooden pipe".
Description as seen in a location:
A well travelled wooden pipe lies here set with a bronze mouthpiece.
Description when examined:
The pipe is a effectively a foot-long wooden cone, with a bowl in the wider end. Moulded onto the pipe is the symbol for Sylvanus, god of the earth in burnished bronze and the mouthpiece is also wood reinforced with moulded bronze for years of smooth draw and easy pull. A strange sweet smell lingers in the bowl of the pipe, which somehow still feels hot to the touch.
This pipe has no known designer.
It requires 1 of the wood commodity.
It requires 1 of the clay commodity.

Syntax: CRAFT CREATE < base-item > < design number >

Finally, creation of the item itself is done through typing CRAFT CREATE followed by the base-item name and its design number:

2002h, 2002m aex ---craft create pipe 1

You utilise your labours and send your tools flish-flashing about the task of creating a new pipe. Presently you have completed a wooden pipe, and you present your handiwork for all to see.

Goods & Services Through Professional Skills

In addition to the manual crafting available to all, there are a number of professional skills which concern themselves with the creation and provision of goods, services and essential equipment. These are - in most cases - uniquely available to that profession and are invariably much sought after; potentially allowing members of these professions to wield influence as a result of their wealth.

The Ranger and Druid possess the ability to pick and prepare the land's flora through the skills of Herbs, and Poisons which is shared with the Thief profession. Additionally, at the cost of one essence commodity, Sorcerer and Druid professionals are able to evoke an herb or a poison - causing it to grow by their spiritual will.

Runes and Potions can only be fashioned and mixed by those holding the Loremaster profession. Magical artifacts require a Loremaster as focus and a Mage, Seer or Sorcerer to pass magical essence.

The forging of weapons and armour is the purview of the Knight and Loremaster professions, though it is Loremasters alone who possess the ability to utilise the secrets of master-forging to create weapons without parallel.

Personal Shops

Shops can be found all over Avalon though they are most commonly situated within the walls of one of the four cities. Anyone wishing to become the owner of a city shop should contact a representative of The Ministry of State, which governs the use of shops, their owners and any taxes to be levied on sales. Shops are one of the best ways of putting your goods on the market as they do not require your personal presence or any negotiations for a sale to be made.


All shops have a stockroom attached to them which can only be opened by the designated shop owner and anyone on his or her friends list. The SALEVALUE command is used to set the price of items, and cause the item to appear on GOODS for anyone in the shop proper.

NOTE: The maximum quantity of a single item that may be placed for sale in a single shop is one hundred.

Is it your dream to become a filthy rich trade prince? Perhaps you prefer to make your coin by ambush and guile? Step into Avalon and begin building your fortune...