Section 2 - Novicehood - The first steps.
2.1 | Basicskills | The basic set of newborn skills. |
2.2 | Novice | About the first stage of Avalon life: novicehood. |
2.3 | Intro | Intro - Some Commands, Some Info, Some Suggestions. |
2.4 | Autoguide | The automated guide for all novices. |
2.5 | Academies | Introduction to the City Academies. |
2.6 | Academy | The role and purpose of the Academies. |
2.7 | School | The city schools and their purpose. |
2.8 | Course | Courses available at the city schools. |
2.9 | Schoolcom | Command list with syntax for the School. |
2.10 | Badge | Badges for guild apprentices. |
2.11 | Accolade | The accolade quests for all novices. |
2.12 | Select | Select Command - Sampling the Guild Skills. |
2.13 | Enrollment | Enrolling yourself in a guild. |
2.14 | Apprentice | Apprenticeship in a guild. |
2.15 | Teacher | The role of the teacher in early Avalon. |
2.16 | Map | The MAP command and Automatic Region Map on Movement. |
2.17 | Finding | Finding Specific Targets using FIND and ZOOM commands. |
2.18 | Light | Illuminating your surroundings when it is dark. |
2.19 | Junior | The little and middling ranks; junior status. |
2.20 | Milestone | Marble milestones; junior effect on armies. |
2.21 | Sage | The mortal and divine sage specialists. |
2.22 | Standing | Standings in Avalon: from Novice to Nobility. |
2.23 | Experience | Experiences building a pattern picture of Avalon life. |
2.24 | Command | Summary Command List - Syntax Only. |
2.25 | Graduation | Graduation Day - first red-letter date - Coming of Age. |
2.26 | Childhood | Childhood - the Avalon Character Creation Process. |