The Alchemists Guild are a cerebral, peace-loving group, closely knit and generally supportive of their home city, Mercinae, at least when the city is adopting a peaceful approach.
Founded on the 18th of Hindyear, 812 by Aredhel, the Alchemists are located in Mercinae. They have the profession of Mage and the guild alignment of Good Peaceful
The Guild of Alchemists is the oldest guild associated with this illustrious profession. They are based in the city of Mercinae and were originally brought into being by the god of time. Their guildhouses are found on the Royal Walk and along the Alchemists Walk in the centre of the city.
The modern era of the Alchemists Guild was founded by Aredhel, first-lady of Mercinae and Elof of Old. Together they led the guild through a period of thriving prosperity. Though firmly allied to the city of Mercinae, the Alchemists pride themselves on individualism and freedom of choice within the guild. No member is bound to follow the path of their guildmaster. Should you consider the Alchemists Guild as an option for your character, you should know that their emphasis is upon creation rather than destruction - that they are not creatures of battle, but rather at home among the forge and the workshop.
The Alchemists were born to equip, to fashion, to explore and adventure. They are not geared towards combat or belligerence since the joy of discovery and lively debate is far more rewarding and greatly less destructive.
The Alchemists guild is the eldest of the four Loremaster guilds, founded in Mercinae, and an integral part of Mercinaen society. It is a guild of many different personalities; those that seek the thrill of combat, those that seek to plumb the hidden depths of crafting and enchantment, and those that seek to master the economic complexities of the land.
Regardless of one+s focus, you will find the Alchemists guild is a close-knit family that will embrace all the differences that make one unique. If you seek to push your independence and imagination to their ultimate limits and soar higher than you ever thought possible, seek out the Alchemists and become a member of the one of the most illustrious guilds in all of Avalon.
Imbedding spells in items, use of robes of lore and the power of the lorestaff.
Mixing up a wide range of potions, mostly beneficial or healing.
Fashioning runes of power from silver ore, erecting rune staves and transmuting silver.
Forging a range of weapons and armour from various component ores.
The Alchemists Guild is tucked away in south central Mercinae. Head south a while from Cassiandora Square until you reach the junction of Royal Walk and Beggars Way. Go east from there onto Royal Walk proper and then follow the walk in a south/southeast/southwesterly direction as it wends its way down into the city. Eventually you will come to a junction where you head west into Sunset Way. Trace a route along Sunset Way as it bends west/northwest/southwest towards eventual meeting with Alchemists Walk. Alchemists Walk runs directly west and you must head along it for a while, keeping an eye to the north for a particularly large building of different design to the other streetside houses. That is the Alchemists Guild.