18.1GovernmentStructure and Constitution of City/Town Government.
18.2BaronyThe baronial council and the rank of Baron.
18.3PrinceThe Prince: embodiment of the power of the Crown.
18.4PatronagePatronage: the City and its Deity.
18.5PmPrime Minister: day to day head of city government.
18.6CardinalThe patron-appointed Cardinal: Representing the Gods.
18.7MinistriesCity Government: the Many Ministries.
18.8ChancellorThe Chancellor and City Treasurer.
18.9MarshallThe Field Marshall: Leader of the Armies.
18.10QuestioningQuestioning Members of the Baronial Council.
18.11DeputiesDeputy or Second-in-Command Position and Powers.
18.12AideshipAides to Ministries, Field Marshall and Chancellory.
18.13RepresentationDivine Orders within the City-State.
18.14JusticeThe Minister of Justice and Homeland Security.
18.15StateThe Minister of State and the Interior.
18.16AmbassadorThe Ambassador and Minister for Foreign Affairs.
18.17TradeTrade Ministry and Commodity Trading/Markets.
18.18PublicPublic Relations Minister: duty and requirements.
18.19CryingCrying for aid on home soil.
18.20SaferoomsBarracks, commodity stores and shop stockrooms.
18.21BarracksBarracks and Dormitories: legions safely training.
18.22ExileThe awful edict of exile and its effects.
18.23DecreeThe emergency powers and other Crown decrees.
18.24VetoThe Order of Veto: key powers of the Barony.
18.25MonarchAppointing the Prime Minister to the Crown.
18.26GuardianThe divinely appointed city guardian status.
18.27WitnessWitnessing of your Activity by the City Divine Globe.
18.28DutiesCivic Duties: responsibilities entrusted to citizens.
18.29MedalMedals from city, guild, order and gentry.
18.30SalariesSalaries from your city or your guild.
18.31ConstructionHow the Minister of State can extend a city.