The city is led by the monarch represented by the Prince or First Mariner. The Prince is the sole symbol of the decision of the Crown. Princely power is derived from a mandate from the baronial council (if one exists) or directly if city/town is non-democratic. The appointment of the head of each of the ministries is made by the Prince. This may extend to the presentation of a noble second-in-command to the monarch, to take up the powers and privilege of the Prime Minister; and thereafter the Prime Minister decides the individual ministers. The Prince retains power to appoint and dismiss ministers at all times.
The ministers are led (and often chosen) by the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister holds 'de facto' powers of all ministries and ministerial commands but each Minister tends to be in sole control of his/her specific ministry and area of civic responsibility.
There are five separate ministries within a city; the Ministry of State, the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry for Public Relations, Foregn Affairs under the Ambassador (including the Field Marshall and military) and the Ministry of Justice. The military affairs of a city, however, lies under the ultimate authority of the Field Marshall despite the association with the Ambassador - Field Marshall being a direct appointment of the Crown. Foreign treaties and policy is directed by the Ambassador and the Crown but it is up to the Field Marshall to carry out the decisions of the city and once battlefield action is underway, the Marshall has no superior in the military structure.
Financial affairs are overseen by the Chancellor, who is responsible to Prince and Prime Minister directly; a distinct role intended to place fiscal matters ultimately in the hands of the Chancellory but day-to-day and practical finances in the domain of the Ministry of State.
The Minister for Public Relations is in charge of newborn and young citizens including novices and juniors. The Public Relations ministry is the lifeblood of a city and commands the academy and equipment/resources and guidance available to LW and MW citizens.
The Minister of Justice is responsible for the internal well-being, combat training and "active response" to citizens in distress both inside and outside the city walls. The Justice Minister often defines (and imposes) the ideals, morals and behaviour of the citizenry.
The Ambassador for Foreign Affairs is responsible for inter-relations between the city/town and the other cities and populated towns/forces in the land. The Ambassador tends to command the diplomatic and financial side of the military and is fully empowered to make foreign-power negotiations and sign treaties on behalf of the Crown.
The Minister of State takes charge of all civic affairs including the domestic economy and resources. He is responsible (though can delegate) all matters of internal affairs - financial or otherwise - and tends to be considered the deputy to the Prime Minister. It is often the case that the Minister of State becomes subjective and partisan about fiscal policy while the Chancellor must try to retain a more objective, long-term command of the various treasuries and flow of money and resources in and out of the city/town.
The Minister for Trade is responsible for city trading and commodity purchase, shops and markets and merchant affairs.
See also: HELP GOVERNMENT and the contents of Help Section #18 (type HELP 18 for an index) for full perusal of info on the City-State and civic governance.