All Avalon players who wish to grow quickly and integrate at the highest levels of gameplay will want to subscribe.
Subscriptions are billed monthly or annually and arranged in tiers, by cost and benefits, with each tier giving more substantial gifts in lessons, crowns, lesson gain speed, alias and trigger access. Subscriptions automatically renew each month or year until you UNSUBSCRIBE to terminate both billing and your character's tier gifts. Subscriptions are set up through customer tokens using our secure website @ using a simple cross-platform browser procedure.
Provides real-time in the moment information on subscription options across all tiers. There are four standard tiers: PLATINUM, GOLD, SILVER and BRONZE. Typing CHARGES within Avalon shows you a summary page with sponsorship and subscription information, latest prices and running deals (if any) and useful accounting commands.
Type CREDITS at any time to review your current account status: subscription, free days for novices and special cases, and credited status.
Need any further help? If it's about account or payment-related matters, e-mail or if not, e-mail to receive prompt attention.
If you are not subscribed in some way, then you are credited. See HELP CREDITED for details of free game time.
Related help-files: HELP PAYING, HELP CROWNS, HELP TRINKETS, HELP PROCURE for info on registering payment details, purchasing Avalon CROWNS (the game's hard currency) and HELP SHOPPING for how to use the Old Curiosity Shop goods and services.