Avalon is a World - it is not simply a selection of locations containing treasure and problems to overcome. It has inhabitants (of which you are, of course, one), cities, villages and wildlife. Even when you are not playing, there will be things going on, plots developing. To ensure that you enjoy as much as possible of this astounding world it is necessary for you to behave as if you WERE the character you are playing. To enjoy fully the complexity of Avalon you will have to treat your character as an extension of your own being - do with him/her what you would do in any particular situation. Rash actions in Avalon can have far reaching effects - there is no easy way of just going back to the beginning and starting again. As a few simple guide-lines; Try to respect the Gods, but never to rely on them. Choose a patron closest to your own personality and confide in him or her. Striking up friendships with your fellow guild members and city dwellers is important - there is safety in numbers. Perhaps, if you have time, you should check DREAM OF ADVICE for further hints on initial progress in the land.