In addition to the "Old Curiosity Shops" (see HELP SHOPPING) and "Lesson Procurement" (see HELP PROCURE) micro-purchasing exists to enable the procurement of essential goods in smaller, more specific quantities. The micro-transaction can be made from anywhere in Avalon but use the MIC command rather than PURCHASE to avoid confusion.
Type MICRO to see current micropurchases available and their various prices.
Syntax: MIC <amount/quantity> <herb/poison>.
Herbs and poisons may currently be purchased in batches using CROWNS. The batch prices are listed when you type MICRO. If you do not have any CROWNS you will need to purchase some using HELP CROWNS or use your chapter rewards or subscription provisions.
Syntax: MIC <amount> [colour] <potiontype>.
Potions must be purchased individually or in batches by using the above syntax. If no colour is specified, the acquired potion will be the default colour for that potion type. e..g. typing PURCHASE 3 GREEN HEALTH will use your CROWNS to buy three health potions of green colour type. If you do not have any CROWNS you will need to purchase some using HELP CROWNS or using your chapter rewards or subscription provision.
Syntax: MIC <number> <shape> RUNE.
To buy runes, specify the proper shape and this will determine the rune's usage. See HELP RUNES to learn which shape for a particular function.
Syntax: MIC <item-type> <charm>.
This option allows you to buy charged magic items. You need to specify the item type and the name of the charming spell per HELP CHARMS. Examples of this would be BUY RING SUMMON or BUY DEFLECTION WAND.
Syntax: MIC <amount> TRUESLAYING.
Use this option to buy your trueslaying, with the amount being the number of trueslays you wish to purchase. The current price is listed in MICRO and tends to be in batches of 250. Trueslaying is bought in CROWNS.
The micro-purchases are all completed in CROWNS and applied immediately to your character's inventory. See HELP CROWNS to go over the commands for purchasing CROWNS using your registered payment token and HELP PAYMENTS for details how to register a payment method through Avalon's secure website https://www.avalonrealtime.com.
See also HELP SERVICES and HELP TRINKETS for info on all the goods and services available through the Old Curiosity Shop and specifics on the special artifacts of the land, their acquisition, longevity and usage.