Healhand Hand of healing, to heal lost health. Reasonably effective.
Firebolt Aims a firebolt at an enemy in a specific direction.
Fireball Shoots a fireball, attacking everybody in an adjacent direction.
Handburn Touches an enemy with your magical item, boiling their blood.
Cloak Shrouds you or your target in a cloak of invisibility.
Werelight Calls forth a sprite of light from the under-deeps.
Firewall Conjures a wall of fire in a specific direction.
Traversal Traverses to a distant target after a set period of time.
Icewall Conjures a wall of ice in a specific direction to bar entry.
Blind Permanently blinds you or your enemy, preventing their sight.
Sight Restores sight to you, or one who is blind.
Hearing Restores hearing to you, or one who is deaf.
Deaf Permanently deafens you or your enemy.
Web Casts a web over your enemy, preventing their movement.
Astralbond Crown of astral bonding to prevent ghosts and spirits leaving.
Bugbanish Banishes rune bugs that hold your loyalty.
Freezing Freezes your opponent in an icy aura, preventing most actions.
Pentacle Weaves a pentacle of protection about you. A potent defence.
Nullify Nullifies an assortment of enemy defences.
Shield Brings about a shield of arrow deflection about your person.
Levitate Causes you to levitate three feet into the air.
Antidote Cures you of many major afflictions and poisons infrequently.
Deflection Deflects the attentions of Farsight or a demonic sensor.
Disguise Wreathes yourself in an illusionary disguise.
Coldcone Cold of cone to damage all in location.
Feeble Instills weakness, causing your targets to drop possessions.
Diagnosis Performs a full diagnosis of your afflictions.
Truelocation Locates everybody visible in Avalon at once.
Revelation Reveals to you the presence of Farsight or demonic activity.
Compulsion Cast over an enemy and you can ORDER them to perform actions.
Brand Inflicts a target with an evil brand, weakening Constitution.
Physical Restores or maintains your physical state of being.
Spy Cast in a specific direction to spy through doors.
Invisible Cloaks yourself in the mists of invisibility.
Aura Conjurs an aura of protection, increasing Defence.
Locate Attempts to locate players, items of creatures in Avalon.
Sleep Forces your enemy to drift into the arms of Morpheus.
Teleport Creates a teleportation pill in your palm for later use.
Summon Summons a target from anywhere in the local area to you.
Blastdoor Cast it in a direction to blast open a locked door.
Projection Projects rituals to a specific person, item or CCC.
Constriction Constricts mists into thick air, slowing down all in location.
Magicrush Causes a period of speedy equilibrium.
Mindbleed Bleeds the target's mind of defences over time.
All of the above charms can be imbedded in items by anyone proficient enough in the Alchemy skill.