Syntax: CHAPTER on its own.
Shows you the current selection of experiences tasked to be completed for your current chapter of the chronicle documenting the building of your LEGEND. Chapters are invariably twelve experience tasks, difficulty increasing with your standing in the land - initially a useful tutorial but eventually an outright challenge to explore the realm in all its diverse colour.
Gives you a list of the remaining experiences of your current chapter, along with the type and any extra help or instructions available.
See HELP ADDHELP for info on CHAPTER ADDHELP, a way for you to contribute to the info available on a particular experience and help us make the whole mosaic system better for everyone.
Each time you experience one of the items in your "chapter" list, you gain experience and reputation and you will find the specific task is checked as 'done' on the list; its text faded out.
The moment you have progressed through all experiences listed in your "chapter" you will see a rather unmissable firework congratulations, a big chunk of XP to boost your experience level, and will spend up to an Avalon day 'glowing' with satisfaction. Completed chapter will advance your mosaic chronicle (the story of your personal LEGEND in Avalon) and while you remain 'glowing' you will be able to choose from one of the CHAPTER REWARD options. These are significant for your character's progress and rewards come in a number of shapes and sizes.
There is an exhilarating glow to be felt each time you complete the experiences needed to successfully finish a chapter. Wait patiently for just under ten seconds and you will automatically receive a fine reward for chapter completion. This reward will be received EACH and EVERY mosaic chapter you conclude, immediately after the last experience listed is done. Should you find no reward forthcoming, log out and in again. This will set in motion the reward gift for any chapter completions outstanding.
At present the reward at the end of every chapter is TEN CROWNS, gifted directly and then free to be used for any of the various benefits and character services available. See also HELP CROWNS, HELP SHOPPING, HELP PROCURE, HELP PURCHASES. Type MONEY to see your current held, invested, gifted and purchased crowns along with total current wealth. Enjoy.
Syntax: CHAPTER NEXT <type> or just CHAPTER NEXT.
#You can either let Avalon choose the next chapter of experiences tasked or you can use the CHAPTER NEXT command to push the coming chapter content to suit your own preferences. Experiences chosen will be based on things you've done in the past, i..e.. your areas of interest, and things you've not experienced within those preferred aspects of the gamesystem. If you have never touched a certain type then you will probably never be asked to do so; your legend chronicle will be made up of chapters without it, e..g. pacifists unlikely to be expected to kill, military commanders won't get chapters full of gardening or learning shopkeeping.
This command gives you a list of the types of experience into which each and every one of the many thousands possible is categorised. The type name must be included after CHAPTER NEXT to influence the chapter selection you receive e..g. CHAPTER NEXT MILITARY to request experiences with a military or warfare flavour.
There are twenty-four category types and all experiences are sorted by Avalon according to these types, taking into account difficulty and rarity, alignment, citizenship and professional class. The selection you receive in each chapter is based on these factors, measured against all the experiences, deeds and feats you have already completed. From this Avalon puts together your chapter of experiences as a group appropriate to your standing, your life so far, and your citizenship and guild.
REMEMBER: if you don't use CHAPTER NEXT <type> then Avalon will automatically give you a new chapter of experiences based on your alignment, outlook and past experiences but without any chance to make your preference felt.