Cities and villages have friends and enemies in the same way that individuals do. Type FEELINGS (as a member of government or a normal citizen) and you will be informed of the feelings of your city or village towards the other towns and guilds of the land. Your homeland can be at Peace or War with any of its neighbours, and can be Friendly, Neutral or Enemy to them. If your town holds another city to be its enemy, then it is the duty of all loyal citizens to make that declaration meaningful and act. Barons may change the feelings of their city/village using the DECLARE command. Type DECLARE followed by FRIEND, NEUTRAL, ENEMY, WAR or PEACE followed by the name of the city/town/village/guild. DECLARE PEACE THAKRIA would declare your city at peace with Thakria, while DECLARE ENEMY SILVERFALLS would give Silverfalls enemy status without declaring war.