Although the vast majority of your character's efforts will be spent pushing the limits of your general or specialist skills, in addition to a modicum of attention paid by most to their Farming and Labours (for the sake of self-sufficiency, personal wealth and/or economic advancement), there is one 'skill' unlike any of the others; to even term it a skill may be misleading. Arcana is a blanket term to cover all of those pieces of knowledge learned to tangible, usable competence gleaned from lore that has otherwise long since vanished from the land. Rarely will an individual even come across the opportunity to pick up any arcana and, more often than not, the arcana is useless; long since superseded by superior modern ways.
There are, however, still some fragments of arcane lore whose potency IS without question... and these are the precious gems whose discovery so delights the connossieur. No documents exist about arcana, no written records would have survived so many centuries. Even the Gods have long since ceased to teach these forgotten ways to their followers, leaving individuals to track down arcana by chance, diligence, persistence, fortitude or most likely a blend of all four.