Format: Battlesands [TEAM then ELIMINATION].
Quest Area: the Battleisle.
The quest format is Battle-sands: competition over the sands of time as per HELP SANDS but with teams working together to gain points and hold onto any of up to four sands fought over in each round. The sands must be held in "open play" at all times. Sands cannot be placed on steeds, in containers, sacks or packs. Sands cannot be taken indoors or above the clouds. Runes and traps are ineffectual protections. Divine alkar and peaceful effects are either terminated by the presence of one of the sands or cause the sands to slip away.
The quest will be held over a number of consecutive "rounds" of at least fifteen to thirty minutes. Points are gained and lost by both team and individual performance throughout each round; gained for gaining possession of the sand, ongoing time holding the sands and being the one/team holding the sands the moment the timer runs out. Points are lost for losing the sands. Some rounds will have points gained for kills and lost for death and ship rides. Ship rides are abridged and contained within the battleisle. Type POINTS at any time to see the specific round-by-round points for each gain or loss.
JOIN BATTLESANDS to declare your intent to participate.
Type PARTICIPANTS to see the list of those whose participation has been declared or, once the event is underway, those who are actively competing in the quest.
Commands: SANDS, TEAMS, PTS and TABLE plus TABLE TEAMS for team by team ranks.
The SANDS command displays the location and current holder of all sands in play. The TEAMS command, once the quest has begun, will list all gem quest participants and their respective teams. TABLE lists the points league by individual, TABLE TEAMS points scored by teams. Type PTS to display the current accurate details on point scoring rules.
Communication: CCT <text> speaks to your team in private. CCTT <text> speaks to all questors and all Gods.
1. Bloodlust restrictions will be DISABLED.
2. Use of ZOOM to the sands will be ALLOWED.
3. Avatar and knightly armourforms are DISABLED.
4. Longwounds are OFF.
5. Dryads and Ents will be DISALLOWED on the isle.
6. Use of flight to the skies will be ALLOWED but only on the isle.
7. Dryad and ent activity will be DISABLED.
8. No trinkets can be used. Artifacts are DISABLED.
9. Smokes, mists and fogs are ALLOWED.
10. Use of globestaves and runestaves is UNRESTRICTED.
11. Use of crystal heart is ALLOWED.
13. Sands will not persist in locations with PEACE.
14. Warfare will be disabled throughout the quest.
15. Entering portals while holding the sands is DISABLED.
Type RULES at any time to keep up to date on any rule changes during the BATTLESANDS and POINTS to review what everything is worth as the event progresses.
Remember that while there are points for kills and losses for deaths the fundamental objective of the BATTLESANDS QUEST is to compete for possession of the sands. Keep this in mind.
Gathering for the event should begin an hour before scheduled start time. Captains may volunteer but the teams will be balanced to ensure a range of skills in the competitors. Propose teams by all means but accept the team you are allocated. Those who wish to fight on the same team should make their preference known and we will try to accommodate.
There will be FOUR sands for the opening rounds. Elimination will not begin until at least three rounds into the contest. Teams may be adjusted for balance throughout.
Any questions should be directed at those experienced in these competitive events or to the Gods, especially the presiding deity.