Recruitment into a guild is done via two means - players (like you) through the guild tutors, and CCCs (computer controlled characters) who populate the background armies and peoples of the land. The former is dealt with elsewhere in Section 11 (Guild and the Guildmaster) and is no concern of legion warfare, while the latter is pivotal to the expansion of guild soldiers and/or fieldworkers. Without recruitment working smoothly the guild legions will stagnante, morale will drop, the guildhouse may become vulnerable; it may become unable to defend itself. Thus, guild's keep a watch across the continent for prospective newly matured CCCs and there is an ever-ongoing conflict between the guild captains and city colonels to win over, recruit and enlist young CCCs easily persuaded to change their initial direction...
CCCs ready for recruiting into your profession appear around the land, in cities and villages, at a rate determined by the extent of your guild's reputation in the land (see HELP REPUTATION), your city's renown and past decade history (see HELP GLOBEIDEALS), and the effort allocated to a specific city/village by the guild's tireless recruiters/a city's ever-flexing sphere of influence. These recruiters seed the CCCs with thoughts of a guild/city and profession, readying them for players such as yourself to come along and lead the CCCs to enlistment in the guild/city membership. Go look at your city's divine globe to ascertain more or type IDEALS to view your guild's idealistic preferences (and thus enable you to judge your own contribution to its standing in the land).
Many conflicting factors are therefore taken into consideration as CCC city and villagefolk reach maturity and decide between a future in a guild, or in a city army; and then, if the maturing citizen elects a guild-career, influences abound to coerce the final choice: sphere of influence of the guild's homeland, recruiters (as stated), ideals of the guild, guild reputation, guild's ranking relative to others, extent of recent interest from both CCCs and players, deaths suffered while wandering waiting on enlistment, fellow citizen-players already full members of the guild, and so on. Newly mature prospective guildsmen will not wait forever, however, and if left unenlisted for too long they have a habit of seeking their fortunes elsewhere. Moreover, if there are simply too many villages/citizens hopeful of joining one particular guild and that guild fails to enlist fast enough, the next wave of maturing youngsters will likewise look to join a different guild or city. Speed is of the essence.
See HELP YOUNGSTERS and HELP ENLISTING for broader information on the young and their enlistment, while Section Eleven and Twelve (on Guilds and Cities respectively) contain more detailed insight into the concept of guild ideals, city influence and city/guild reputation and popularity. Success of citizens, failures of guildsfolk; all is noted by the some in the land. Cities may review their relative renown through the divine globe (see HELP GLOBES) while guilds must compare reputations and rankings via GUILDSTATUS (see HELP GUILD).