Fortifications are the primary defences of a city or guild, built and manned by legions. Locations are divided into nine locale-points (see HELP LOCALE) and fortifications are built into locale-points, facing certain directions - generally away from whatever they're protecting, so they face down potential invaders.
Fortifications are constructed by legions using the standard materials method described in HELP MATERIALS. There are slight differences when it is fortifications being constructed as detailed next.
Syntax: COM DEPLOY BUILDFORTS <percentage of legion>.
Syntax: COM DEPLOY CONSTRUCTING <percentage of legion>.
You need to deploy your legion to use "constructing" and "buildforts" training. The division of percentages between the two will define whether your legion builds faster using less commodities or slower using more commodities. Faster makes less forts each iteration. Slower makes more forts per cycle.
NOTE: do not mistake the "forts" legion skill from "buildforts" - the "forts" deployment says 'man fortifications' while the "buildforts" deployment says 'build and increase fortification strength'.
Constructions are built in the localepoint faced by the legion doing the constructing, the new forts facing back towards the legion and potentially blocking/guarding progress from the legion's localepoint to the construction localepoint in the facing direction. Thus: legion is in WEST localepoint, facing EAST, forts will be built at CENTRE blocking passage from WEST localepoint to CENTRE localepoint (heading east). Thus: legion is in WEST localepoint, facing NORTHEAST, forts will be built at NORTH blocking passage from WEST localepoint to NORTHEAST localepoint (heading northeast).
The construction of forts utilises the specialist-skills "buildforts" and a weight of numbers deployed to "constructing" with at least a tithe on "buildforts". A larger legion (as described in HELP EQUIPMENT) will build more fortifications more quickly and if fortifications are already present, they will be bolstered.
Lists all fortifications within a location, their state (whether lowered or raised) and any protective wax covering they possess.
Syntax: WAX ON/OFF <direction>.
Fortifications can be besieged by the enemy and, what's more, can be vulnerable to certain ethereal, elemental or esoteric strikes. Waxing is a way to polish up fortifications, to protect them from siege and strike. This is done using the "wax" commodity.
Stand by the fortifications and type WAX ON, then WAX OFF. This is all one requires, each Avalon day, to keep the fort facade ship-shape and well maintained. You may specify a certain fortification in a point by typing WAX ON/OFF followed by the point, e..g. WAX ON NORTH to direct your waxing at forts in only the north point.