Most of the deities have a sizeable number of mortals whose unwavering loyalty and fidelity is assured through that singlemost important of bonds: divine patronage. This group of mortals makes up the Divine Order - from the fledgling supplicants or worshippers, through to the eximious priesthood. Belonging to an order is desirable as it provides not only a ready-made set of mortal allies but also a close relationship with a God. None know Avalon like the deities; none can protect you as can your divine patron if you happen to be face enemies - either divine or high-rank mortal.
The Divine Order, united by pious love for their patron, tends to be a close-knit group, often akin to a large family - fiercely loyal to their cause and generally placing holy goals above all others. To join an Order you will need to speak directly to the patron deity, or to one of the senior members of the priesthood. If you are allowed entry you will begin at the most junior of ranks, generally known by such terms as 'supplicant' or 'worshipper'. As you prove yourself you may find yourself promoted and if you fail your holy fraternity or displease your patron, you may be demoted. Power and privilege come with higher rank, and as status grows so does it illustrate the esteem of your divine patron: a priceless opinion in your Avalon life.