In a mortal's life he or she is likely to come into fairly regular contact with the deities of the land. Whether it be on a personal level, as an order member, or through guild or city patrons, via festivals, organised quests or even chance encounter - whatever the reason, successful navigation through the sea of relationships with Avalon's deities is pivotal to the well-being of your character. See HELP 23 for an index list from the section dealing with patronage and the gods.
One of the most useful gifts a deity is likely to bestow upon a favoured mortal is a divine boon. Boons are given out as a reward for particularly worthy deeds, and cover a diverse range of benefits. Some are specific to a god's realm, some to a particular alignment or restricted conditions of use. Most are single-use gifts, some can be used many times. No mortal knows the full extent of boons possible but below are half a dozen representative examples. Type BOONS to view a list of those bestowed upon your character and, should you find yourself fortunate enough to have a boon, type BOONS followed by its name to gain more information (such as syntax, method of use, scope) - for example BOONS WINGS to find out about the "Wings" gift.
Some example boons:
"Wings" - gives you wings to fly to the sky, or to a player or CCC or city or guild, instantly, anywhere in Avalon.
"Tops" - allows one-off use of a tops command, insight into rankings and ratings across Avalon, hundreds of types.
"Globesight" - an Avalon day spent watching through the eyes of a chosen globe all that it witnesses.
"Footsteps" - an Avalon day whereon the heavy footsteps of marching legions are heard anywhere in the land so acutely as to reveal location, numbers, equipment, etc.
"Nethersight" - one-off details about the inhabitants, events and realworld interplay from the otherwise inaccessible netherworld.
"Resonance" - an Avalon timeperiod during which you are in-tune with all globe-staves, their roots and thus their impact on the land.
"Citizenship" - the ability to give out citizenship to the city/village from which you hail.
"Deepmystic" - enhanced mystical abilities and equilbrium insight.
"Sightbelow" - abilities to look down, through the earth, to the very bottom of the world.
There are many, MANY more boons and wraths available for the deities to bestow upon those mortals fortunate enough to have merited their favour while some boons can be obtained by performing rituals or completing certain quests.