The BATTLEISLE is an independent, isolated landscape of between one and two hundred locations used for the purposes of training and testing skills in the arena of warare and conflict. It is an arena where anything can happen without consequences to the landscape of mainland Avalon, where wars can take place without risking precious trained legions from the real cities and guilds.
There are three 'distilled' factions in the battleisle, these being represented by three villages - which can simulate cities or guildhouses, with buildings to defend, defenses to construct and maintain, etc. It is likely during battleisle uses that individuals will select one of the three villages as their homeland and fight to protect it, to conquer the others. Just like in the real land, there can be winners and losers - and in most battleisle scenarios the destruction of all one's homeland buildings and occupation of its council/village halls represents 'defeat'.
The three villages/combatante homelands are the WESTRONS to the west, the CELTS to the north and the VISIGOTHS to the south. They all begin inherently equal in skills, army sizes and landscape advantages, though the deities can set up any scenario they see fit. The other advantage of battleisle over test/quest warfare in the real Avalon is the simplicity of setting up any number of scenarios or challenges; weightings between armies, strengths and weaknesses one side to another, etc.
NOTE: there is a woodland hut to the west of the island, east of Westron town, in which you will likely find a cornucopia of military equipment. Take what you like from the enormous stash, to use as you please, but try to also leave plenty for others to use too. To use these items bring in your legion and use the LEGION EQUIP command.
BF WHO (or BFW) to show everybody current on the battle-isle.
BF ALL (or BFA) to show all citizens of your designated battle-village.
BF WESTRONS/VISIGOTHS/CELTS to review citizens of a specific battle-village.
BF SHOUT <text> to shout at everybody in the battle-isle.
BF TIMEOUT to take a timeout from the battle-isle, ready for a later BF IN.
BF IN/OUT to call a cloud chariot to take you to and from the battle-isle and mainland Avalon or BF IN GOTHS/WESTRON/CELTS if you are able to select your own startpoint.