Here is a summary of the important scholastic commands. These commands are pivotal for all young Avalon scholars and should be commited to memory forthwith. Acquaint yourself with HELP SCHOOLS and HELP COURSES for detailed information on the purpose and intricacies of the city school.
ENROLL to enroll in a course of study. Stand in the appropriate location.
RECORD to review your academic and scholastic record.
REMEMBER to recall the present state of your school tasks.
SUCCESS to declare your success at appropriate times.
ADVICE to seek advice appropriate to your situation.
BECOME EQUIPPED to receive course equipment (in your course schoolroom) at times when you have lost your full scholastic inventory.
DEMAND TASK to demand, in your school house, a task to perform. This is only necessary if you have none assigned (type REMEMBER to see).
COMPLETE COURSE to declare a course completed and move onto another.
ATTEMPT GRADUATION to attempt a full graduation from the city school.
ADMIT FAILURE to admit failure in a course, once per Avalon day only.
SCHOLARS to list scholars presently active and their rough location.
FEED MYSELF to take a meal from the school eatery.
FIND and MAP will help you navigate between the villages and cities of Avalon.
FLEE HOME to run back to your home city from anywhere in the land.
CEASE will call to an end your attempts at FLEE or FIND.
CALL FOR HELP while within your city and you will likely gain help finding your school, or within your school to gain help with enrolling in scholastic courses.
Next, a summary of some of the key commands you may need when enrolled in one of the four courses. Novices to this land will need to pay close attention as growing comfortable with the Avalon command set is enormously important.
For all courses type SKILLS to see a list of your scholastic skills and HELP followed by the skill name (e..g. HELP FISTICUFFS) for more detailed instructions on using it. Use ADVICE to gain specific advice appropriate to your course and progression.
For the messenger course, SCENT SPIES, SCENT SCHOLARS and GIVE NOTE TO FIGURE to hand over secret notes to covert figures you find in foreign cities.
For the militia course, WIELD RIGHT SHORTSWORD and JAB followed by the enemy scholar name. CHANT followed by the spell to chant up a charm and CAST to cast it.
For the hunter gatherer course, PICK <herb> or PICK <poison> and SKIN <dead beast>. You can only skin foxes, boars and rabbits.
For the disciple, COLLECT TITHE, EVOKE LIGHT EXORCISM (after invoking the correct spirits), and PLAY LUTE.
If you find yourself utterly bamboozled, call for aid from a fellow citizen or divinity.