There are a wide variety of specialist skills for legions to train and these define its effectiveness in all areas of warfare. Some skills should be considered essentials like Alacrity, Deployment and Fighting, others almost as crucial like Equipment, Forts, Formations, Constructing, and Weapons. The thirty or forty additional training specialities will depend on the use you intend for the legion and which city or guild/profession the legion represents.
Syntax: POTENTIAL <city/guild>.
You can use this command to see the maximum training percentages attainable by legions from the specified city or guild, across all fifty legion specialist skills.
Syntax: ISK <legion>.
This simple command tells you about the specified legion and - most useful - gives you a full list of its training, all specialist skills and their percentage development.
You can train a legion in a number of skills at the same time but to do so will retard progress in all. Very large and very small legions learn more slowly than the REGIMENT or BRIGADE which are optimum sizes. The DIVISION and BATTALION learn at two thirds the pace while COMPANY and PARTY or CORPS and ARMY progress their skill development at one third pace.
Syntax: LEGION TRAIN <legion> OFF/<specialist skill> <target potency%>.
This command tells the specified legion to start training in the designated skill and keep training until the percentage development is reached. It is not possible to train legions beyond their city/guild potentials or maximum (see POTENTIAL command above). The LEGION TRAIN <legion> OFF option terminates all training immediately in all skills.
Training proceeds skill by skill, one percent first skill then onto the second (if more than one are ongoing). The Alacrity of a legion has a crucial impact on how fast a legion progresses so almost all legions start by taking Alacrity to maximum; then beginning training concurrent multiples.
Syntax: LEGION FINISH <legion> ALL/<skill>.
Use LEGION FINISH to terminate training in the specified skill. This will discard any partial progress made in the next percent development. Use LEGION FINISH <legion> ALL to terminate all training in all skills immediately.
Syntax: PROG <legion> [<skill>].
Shows you the current training of the specified legion: which specialist skills it is learning, how far it has progressed and what potential remains. If you include a skill with the PROG (or LEGION PROGRESS) command you will get detailed info on the training in that skill including the equivalent of CASE <skill> as it pertains to the legion e..g. PROG <legion> ALACRITY shows alacrity training, potential and current impact of whatever level the legion's current Alacrity has reached.
Syntax: LEGION SKILLS <legion>.
Tells you all special skill training for the specified legion in a list of each skill along with the % the legion has attained.
See HELP CORE for a list of special-skills trained by legions divided into the essentials, the core and then skills for all occasions. See also HELP TRAINER if you want to learn about NPC trainers and how they can be used.