Citizen of Mercinae | Alchemists Guild | Scamp in the Order of Wraith |
"Volpone, Silver Fox" with birth certification: 9-1-1997.
Volpone hails from the city of Mercinae.
Volpone is a member of the Alchemists Guild with Guildmaster rank and privilege.
He left the Bandits Guild on the 24th day of Hindyear 972.
On the 24th day of Hindyear 972, he was initiated into the Craftmasters Guild (under the mastery of Warfarin, Orielle's husband).
On the 24th day of Hindyear 972, he completed apprenticeship in the Craftmasters guild and took the profession of the Loremaster.
On the 15th day of Agamnion 1013 he denounced the patronage of Andromeda, the goddess of dreams.
He was welcomed into the Order of Wraith on the 2nd day of Eleuthral 1014.
He gains promotion to the order rank of a believer on the 9th day of Midwinter 1016.
Volpone was noted as having crossed the thousand hours - completing the THOUSAND deed - in days of yore. Recognition came in Springflower 1452 aDW.
He assumed authority as Guildmaster of the Sentinels Guild on the 26th day of Paglost 1452.
Volpone was noted as having attained an illustrious guildmastery - completing the GUILDMASTER deed - in days of yore. Recognition came in Paglost 1452 aDW.
Volpone left the Sentinels Guild on the 27th day of Paglost 1452.
Volpone renounced citizenship of Greeny's Edge on the 27th day of Paglost 1452.
On the 27th day of Paglost 1452, Volpone accepted citizenship of Mercinae. Volpone inherits Squire rank.
On the 27th day of Paglost 1452, Volpone was initiated into the Alchemists Guild (under the mastery of Alchemist Ninjawarrior, Defender Of The Light).
On the 27th day of Paglost 1452, Volpone completed apprenticeship in the Alchemists guild and took the profession of the Loremaster.
Volpone successfully completed the HALFBADGED deed (completed the tenth apprentice badge) on the 20th day of Mournsend 1455 aDW. It is an achievement rated easily accomplished.
He gained promotion in the Order of Jashiri, Alchemy's Mischief, to the rank of Scamp in the "Disorder" Chapter. The promotion was given on the 26th day of Cloudburst 1456.
Volpone successfully completed the COMFORTABLE deed (earned over 10,000 coin in a year) on the 27th day of Hindyear 1456 aDW. It is an achievement rated easily accomplished.
The Council of Lore supported the request made by Volpone for Opalescence specialisation. Let the 24th day of Cloudburst 1457 aDW be marked by having received the profession's blessing as he gains a foothold in Opalescence at Apprentice level.
He was awarded the status Elder of the Alchemists Guild on the 6th day of Midwinter 1462 by Alchemist Ninjawarrior, Hurricane Of The South.
Volpone successfully completed the MELTSNOWFOOT deed (melted the Snowfoot freeze) on the 9th day of Mournsend 1477 aDW. It is an achievement rated easily accomplished.
Volpone successfully completed the GAVEPRIZE deed (gave out the Prize to a junior) on the 5th day of Agamnion 1496 aDW. It is an achievement rated fairly challenging.
Volpone successfully completed the MAXLEVEL deed (reached the level of Ordainable) on the 6th day of Midsummer 1497 aDW. It is an achievement rated unusually arduous.
Volpone won the election for Guildmaster of the Alchemists Guild, beating Gareon, on the 8th day of Cloudburst 1534.
The Council of Lore supported the request made by Volpone for Skymastery specialisation. Let the 2nd day of Eleuthral 1542 aDW be marked by having received the profession's blessing as he gains a foothold in Skymastery at Apprentice level.
Volpone is known to be active in Avalon at this time.
If you wish to know more about Volpone, type HISTORY VOLPONE to read his detailed character history. Check out LIFESTORY VOLPONE to read what VOLPONE has written of himself in his own words.