Doctor Mnestheus Kevorkian | No Citizenship | Aldaron |
Bodhisvatta Mestopholies, Whispers in the Woods | Parrius | Rhadamanthys |
Ladycat, the blessed | Mercinae | Aldaron |
Sapling Anthony De le Erinyes | Mercinae | Telemachus |
Druidess Stralia | Parrius | Andromeda |
Nature's Honeybear Waldlied, Knightswood Healer | No Citizenship | Brigantia |
Pooky Pine, the Twisted Sister | Thakria | Wraith |
Marianne, the Peaceful | Parrius | Aldaron |
Autumnal Lyonesse | Mercinae | Rhadamanthys |
Sweetshade Katie, Beloved of the Wildwoods | Parrius | Brigantia |
old nut Sisyphus, Forest Physician | No Citizenship | Wraith |
Animist Rodion, Silver-Tongued Tutor | Springdale | Brigantia |
Animist Lathar | Mercinae | Rhadamanthys |
Bikini Girl Qey, Romancing the Sun | Mercinae | Wraith |
Druid Calchas, Insuls Avallonis | No Citizenship | Genesis |
Drache de le Erinyes | Parrius | Wraith |
Druid Globularr Foraois, The White | Mercinae | Aldaron |
Dreamflower Zazenaie of the moonlight | Silverfalls | Andromeda |
Spiritual Nimrodel Silvermoon | Mercinae | Telemachus |
Nelson | Parrius | Wraith |
Mischief's Missionary Brightstar the Bunny-Eared Healer | Mercinae | Wraith |
Vagabond Yorik of the Chaotic Green | Mercinae | Rhadamanthys |
Shimai Seeker of a New Path | Eleuthera | Wraith |
Thorlam, the humble | Mercinae | Aldaron |
Kihk The Mad Druid | Mercinae | Hyperion |
Arielle Beloved of the Forests | Eleuthera | Aldaron |
Inimical Siobhann, Thakrian Druid | Thakria | Xanthe |
Animist Judas Priest Tender of the Fiorella | Parrius | Andromeda |
Elder Elbethamore, Fey of the Woodlands | No Citizenship | Rhadamanthys |
Sapling Kessal, the Herbalist | Mercinae | Rhadamanthys |
Druid Calvador, Animist of Life | Springdale | Brigantia |
Conteck of Avalon General | Mercinae | Aldaron |
Healer Scampers of the Green Leaf | No Citizenship | Rhadamanthys |
Stile, Healer of the Forest | Alessandria | Aldaron |
Nwyfre Kerowyn Miko, Estrella Delicada | Mercinae | Aldaron |
Beautiful Briallen, of the Black-roads | No Citizenship | Brigantia |
Acelto, Healer of the Forest | No Citizenship | Brigantia |
Auntie Zatarina Evergreen | No Citizenship | Sylvanus |
Iris | No Citizenship | Genesis |
Meliorist Maudeeb, the Dryad's Consort | Alessandria | Rhadamanthys |
Naturalist Cray, one of us | Mercinae | Ashvani |
Animist Darina, the Seasoner | Isabella | Brigantia |
Gypsy Krayia, Woodland Wanderer | No Citizenship | Brigantia |
Just Jocasta | Parrius | Telemachus |
Druid Stygar, the Compassionate | No Citizenship | Rhadamanthys |
Lady Nivea, Gatherer of Acorns | No Citizenship | Brigantia |
Druid Bosno, Jack-In-The-Green | Parrius | Maedhros |
Mystra the white-robed Dryad | Mercinae | Brigantia |
Married Ivantarue, the Gifting Tree | Mercinae | Hyperion |
Druidess Skia, Nature's Dancer | Mercinae | Brigantia |
Oll, The Explorer | Parrius | Wraith |
Habel | Mercinae | Aldaron |
Alleria | Eleuthera | Rhadamanthys |
Animistress Kaori, Leaves Bared | Mercinae | Wraith |
Dalamar, Spiritmaster | No Citizenship | Wraith |
Druidess Tanasy | Mercinae | Wraith |
Auntie Mithria | Mercinae | Wraith |
Druid Baracutey Karaya | No Citizenship | Wraith |
Luminous Elanna, Light of Compassion | Parrius | Rhadamanthys |
Fiorella the little flower gardener | No Citizenship | Aldaron |
Peaceful Sirona, Starry-eyed Dryad | No Citizenship | Aldaron |
Animist Solomon, Little nut of Compassion | Mercinae | Rhadamanthys |
Guardian Artech Advocate of Peace | No Citizenship | Wraith |
Druid Squirrelfish, Le Tenebreux | Thakria | Xanthe |
Dame Adelwyn Eleusa | Mercinae | Rhadamanthys |
Butterfly Bladien | Parrius | Xanthe |
Tantalising Tara, Wicked Woodland Vixen | Parrius | Aldaron |
Karamis, of the grass-stained feet | No Citizenship | Orthwein |
Druid Gahlahas De Drewry, Eternal Dreamer | Parrius | Andromeda |
Norrin the Green | Mercinae | Brigantia |
Zilveren DeNacht | Thakria | Genesis |
Lugonn, The Shining One | Mercinae | Aldaron |
Herbalist Cosmus Epicurean | Silverfalls | Brigantia |
Sapling Lief | Mercinae | Rhadamanthys |
Peaceful Elizabeth, Princess of the Woods | Parrius | Proteus |
Lord Dankworth, Forest Dreamer | Parrius | Andromeda |
Greenling Melchior | Parrius | Wraith |
Elviron the Capricious Animist | No Citizenship | Aldaron |
Aryca, the Compassionate Healer | Thakria | Rhadamanthys |
Sweet Sexy Wildorchid, Flameblade's Wife | Springdale | Rhadamanthys |
Dryad Greenleaf, Watching Acorns Grow | Mercinae | Brigantia |
Daughter of Nature Brekahn Ansgar, Mercurial Animist | No Citizenship | Brigantia |
Ezgi, the Funeral Director | Silverfalls | Wraith |
Dastardly Dami | No Citizenship | Ashvani |
Druidess Amihan Ayloff-Torinaiden | No Citizenship | No Order |
Druidess Amleigh, The Oil Catching Machine | Parrius | No Order |
Greenling Kaibis of Thakria | Thakria | No Order |
Uncle Taliesin, The Traveller | Parrius | No Order |
Sapling Sollos, Light In The Darkness | Thakria | No Order |
Thaslay the Exuberant | Mercinae | No Order |
Healer Aledar, Forest Dreamer | No Citizenship | No Order |
Lunette, The Mad Hattress | Thakria | No Order |
Farmer Boss | Parrius | No Order |
Sapling Tavish, the Philosopher | Mercinae | No Order |
Voritzi | No Citizenship | No Order |
Arze, the commoner | Thakria | No Order |
Sapling Kaiya, Forest Nymph | Thakria | No Order |
Druidess Lucy, Replanting for All | Thakria | No Order |
Greenling Emrys of Mercinae | Mercinae | No Order |
Sapling Crystalrose, the Budding Animist | Isabella | No Order |
Compassion's Emissary Tarrik, Druid of the Cliffs | Mercinae | No Order |
Young Nali of Mercinae | Mercinae | No Order |
Greenling Rylene of Mercinae | Mercinae | No Order |
Greenling Furlife | Mercinae | No Order |
Sapling Ozfingwe the Mute | Thakria | No Order |
Maud | Parrius | No Order |
Keeping Pace the semi-timely Animist | Mercinae | No Order |
Only Sort-of Murderous Lyrkali of Parrius | Parrius | No Order |
Razzia | Silverfalls | No Order |
Peacekeeper Meihui of Thakria | Thakria | No Order |
Rooted Druid Golmor, The Forestwalker | Mercinae | No Order |
Kissable Kyra, Deadeye Princess | Silverfalls | No Order |
Ancient Kybus, Dweller of the Trees | Mercinae | No Order |
Junior Druid Kite | No Citizenship | No Order |
Sapling Silyen of Parrius | Parrius | No Order |
Dinx, The Innocent | No Citizenship | No Order |
the ghost of Jaina Wiggins | No Citizenship | No Order |
Arcane Druid Zevren, Enveloped in Darkness | Mercinae | No Order |
Hermann | Thakria | No Order |
Secret Agent Alteyr, Hiding In The Leaves | Silverfalls | No Order |
Peachy Phiona, Waif of the Woods | Parrius | No Order |
Gwen of Mercinae | Mercinae | No Order |
Redivivus Wintermute | No Citizenship | No Order |
Curious Kursiasaw of Parrius | Parrius | No Order |
Peaceful Tryad, Perpetually Perplexed | Springdale | No Order |
Katherine, Tisserande de Charme | Mercinae | No Order |
Sapling Sister Maire, The Stargazing Nymph | Mercinae | No Order |
Lady Olivia, the Fair and Gentle | Kristanisti | No Order |
Dark Druidess Astlebe, The Mercurial | Thakria | No Order |
Greenling Caldur | Mercinae | No Order |
Married Druidess Caelia, Lady of the Forest | No Citizenship | No Order |
Sapling Kai Masutakusu | Mercinae | No Order |
Young druidess etz chaim Dol, The funny 'lil Ent | Thakria | No Order |
Zalmoktar | Parrius | No Order |
Eyrion | Thakria | No Order |
Druid Tup of Parrius | Parrius | No Order |
Book Wormer Intellectual Druidess | Isabella | No Order |
Greenling Ilythia | Mercinae | No Order |
Sapling Zyltan, Rooted | Springdale | No Order |
Sapling Purrabella, The Huggle-Snugglin' Monster | Eleuthera | No Order |
Healer Siana Keilin, Awakened Dreamer | Parrius | No Order |
Greenling Lyaeus of Thakria | Thakria | No Order |
Greenling Aeoife of Mercinae | Mercinae | No Order |
Druid Stark | Thakria | No Order |
Neptune | Mercinae | No Order |
Nott | Parrius | No Order |
Druidess Ravna Foraois, The Thoughtful | Mercinae | No Order |
The Inquisitive Greenling Shewolf, Master of Squirrels | Mercinae | No Order |
Druidess Tokala Foraois | Thakria | No Order |
Sapling Beaunidle, Gentleman of Leisure | Thakria | No Order |
Meridian, Leafy Nymph | Greeny's Edge | No Order |
Mithrandil | Mercinae | No Order |
Krystia, Your Best Squirrel Friend | Mercinae | No Order |
Sapling Idelma | Parrius | No Order |
Indigenous Idylis, Phoenix Flower | Thakria | No Order |
Taraaine, Animist with Attitude | No Citizenship | No Order |
Greenling Burato of Parrius | Parrius | No Order |
Forestwalker Iolina, the Fair | Mercinae | No Order |
Druid Kalevi, The Silver Birch | Mercinae | No Order |
Sir Linnaeus, the Righteous | No Citizenship | No Order |
Greenling Aiyana of Mercinae | Mercinae | No Order |
Merryweather | Parrius | No Order |
Greenling Andhara of Parrius | Parrius | No Order |
Dylena Amakiir, Scantily Vined Dancer | No Citizenship | No Order |
Irai of Mercinae | Mercinae | No Order |
Gaea | No Citizenship | No Order |
Greenling Kaze | Parrius | No Order |
Adara, the Re-Animator | Parrius | No Order |
Guinni Grumpy Animist | No Citizenship | No Order |
Sapling Rhoenn of Springdale | Gaurthang | No Order |
Druid Anaalia, of the ancient woodlands | Parrius | No Order |
Animist Liriel, the Forest Angel | Parrius | No Order |
Jarl, Druid Of The Greenwood | Mercinae | No Order |
Mnm of Mercinae | Mercinae | No Order |
Ioneblair of Mercinae | Mercinae | No Order |
Sapling Daesri, Forestal Wanderer | Mercinae | No Order |
Dr Dhonuill | No Citizenship | No Order |
Sylvanos Greengrove | Mercinae | No Order |
Animist Mailen Amakiir, Spirit of the Forest | No Citizenship | No Order |
Lady Amarwath de le Erinyes, Forest Beloved | No Citizenship | No Order |
Greenling Axhe of Parrius | Parrius | No Order |
Greenling Mexi | Mercinae | No Order |
Arturia of Parrius | Parrius | No Order |
Greenling Loarra | Thakria | No Order |
Sapling Benedict, The Forest Explorer | Mercinae | No Order |
Druidess Annabelle Little Sister | No Citizenship | No Order |
Animist Emlee, Twiglet Extraordinaire | Mercinae | No Order |
Love the Kellen, Conductor in the Woods | No Citizenship | No Order |
Greenling Thistle of Parrius | Parrius | No Order |
Animist Belgareth, the Forgotten | Parrius | No Order |
Greenling Sojin | Mercinae | No Order |
Lisalie, The Swan | Mercinae | No Order |
Greenling Kennis, Protector Of Animals | Mercinae | No Order |
Druid Freeson of the Forest | Mercinae | No Order |
Melquiades of Springdale | Springdale | No Order |
Animistress Morigan Epicurean, The Wise Willow | No Citizenship | No Order |
Vanilla Nennieth, the a'la moded | Parrius | No Order |
Sapling Saez, The Nocturnal Rainbow | Silverfalls | No Order |
Fair Lady Firian, Mistress of Moondust | Parrius | No Order |
Darkwing of Silverfalls | Silverfalls | No Order |
Innocent Madelyn Rose, Not a Thorn in the Neck | Parrius | No Order |
Greenling Khudi of Parrius | Parrius | No Order |
Druidess Meryt, Bittersweet | Mercinae | No Order |
Sleepy Pypo, Student of the Leaf | Thakria | No Order |
Wynflaeth Of Parrius | Parrius | No Order |
Druidess Kaira Elendriel | Parrius | No Order |
Greenling Lola, She Was A Showgirl | Thakria | No Order |
Druid Mnemugg | Mercinae | No Order |
Druid Lucian of Mercinae | Mercinae | No Order |
Old Grandfather Groog of the Greenwood | No Citizenship | No Order |