Citizen of Parrius | Animists Guild | High Priest in the Order of Andromeda |
"Druid Gahlahas De Drewry, Eternal Dreamer" with birth certification: 5-11-2001.
Gahlahas hails from the city of Parrius.
Gahlahas is a member of the Animists Guild with Forestmaster rank and privilege.
Born in a small shack on the outskirts of Oakwood's End and being a servant to Lord Aldaron from birth, Druid Gahlahas knew his path in life was one of peace and compassion. The road to achieve that, however, was not so easy. He wandered the forests of Avalon endlessly to find his true path in life and faced meaning discerning temptations to avert him from his calling. However, he was the type who would never pass up a person in need so in the end these were mere interruptions from his true destiny in Avalon and becoming apart of the Animist Guild.
He was awarded the status of guild elder on the 31st day of Agamnion 1265.
On the 21st day of Eleuthral 1268, he was appointed to the priesthood of Andromeda, goddess of dreams.
He was awarded the status of guild elder on the 4th day of Hindyear 1269.
He had the status of Guild Elder stripped on 23rd day of Eleuthral 1318, by decree of Honeybear.
On the 10th day of Hindyear 1354 he denounced the patronage of Andromeda, goddess of dreams.
He was awarded the status Elder of the Animists Guild on the 12th day of Midwinter 1446 by Married Druidess Caelia,Petter of Ponies.
Gahlahas is known to be active in Avalon at this time.
If you wish to know more about Gahlahas, type HISTORY GAHLAHAS to read his detailed character history. Check out LIFESTORY GAHLAHAS to read what GAHLAHAS has written of himself in his own words.