Avalon has a well-developed bug report system, details of which can be perused by typing HELP BUGS. This will tell you how to enter bugs, how to review bugs you have originated or over which you have control; how to give a bug entry a rating (of importance) and how to place it in one or more of the designated categories for easier indexing and cross-references.
The RATING command is documented in HELP BUGS but in short, you type RATING <bug number> followed by a rating; the higher the number, the more important the bugfile entry. Beyond a certain threshld a bugfile entry becomes a "gamewide issue" and if it is even more highly rated, it will be listed as an "Avalon emergency". The latter two designations ensure priority attention and should be used only when appropriate. Be objective!
Most mortals cannot autonomously declare a bugfile entry to be a "gamewide issue" or an "emergency" though the Prince, Cardinal and High Priestly ranks are able to boost a rating by enough percentage to elevate a bug whose rating began sufficiently high, into the "gamewide issues" bracket.
Type ISSUES to review the list of current "gamewide issues": bugs, exploits, loopholes or other problems high on the priority list for amendment. Do not abuse this privilege.
Type EMERGENCIES to see the list of bugfile entries whose rating/designation is so objectively high, the issue is elevated to the statues of an "Avalon emergency". This is the highest possible rating and ensures priority attention.
Remember to keep a regular eye on Avalon amendments by typing UPDATES, to keep up-to-date with the latest "for public consumption" fixes, amendments and evolutions in the gamesystem.
If an addition is not included in UPDATES because of its sensitive nature, you will likely find details on your Profession or appropriate "private" bulletin board forum.
Most of the time ISSUES and EMERGENCIES will be available for mortal perusal. If there are occasions when they are not for public consumption, you can presume it is on request of the bugfile originator or because the info revealed would have negative repercussions on the land.
See HELP BUGS for full command list and syntax/usage for entering, reviewing, rating and categorising bugfiles; and HELP DEVELOPMENT for an overview of bugs, ideas, comments and Avalon submissions.