The "magical" choice - if it exists within your profession - can be defined as accepting all knowledge, all potential, all pitfall and all complexities of your profession's abilities: general, guild, advanced and specialised. The "magical" professional will have the potential to be the paradigm player, most excellent and effective and exploiting the whole spectrum of powers as far as it is humanly possible. The biggest drawback is simple: it is more complicated, it can require more effort, more precision and more time (in the general sense: more time mastering Avalon) and more applied battlefield competence.
The "magical" choice tends to be the right one for those with ambitions to be the best but also enough time and focus and patient determination and resilience and sheer fighting-quality and pugnacity to take the rough with the smooth, to know the more difficult "journey" makes the more rewarding "destination".
It can be the wrong choice for those whose time constraints are simply too binding to allow them to spend long sessions in Avalon.
Bard profession should peruse HELP BARDCHOICE to learn the specifics of the magical and martial choice as it pertains to that profession.
Those seeking information on the mosaic chapter reward selection should take a minute to read over HELP CHAPTER and HELP GLOWING.
Potential duellist will want to CHOOSE DDW to adopt the mantle for the coming Avalon year.