When you complete a "chapter" of your mosaic chronicle - the story of your building legend (see HELP MOSAIC) - you will be left with a glowing feeling of well-being and achievement. This glow puts a spring in your step and a song in your heart and makes you infectiously popular at home and everywhere a stranger's just a friend you haven't met yet...
So what, you may retort. Show me the honey, perhaps you've already added.
The glow doesn't last forever. It lasts until you begin the next "chapter" of the legend chronicle. The next "chapter" will task you to chase down a new range of experiences.
Under ten seconds after you have completed the last expeience in a particular mosaic chapter, a gift will be received by way of acknowledging your success. This reward will be received with each and every chapter completion.
#Before you start the next chapter you should take advantage of this glow of completion to receive the reward due. This can be done once with every completed chapter. The reward for chapter completion has been standardised at 10 CROWNS, received soon as you type CHAPTER CHOOSE and useful for procurement, purchasing from the curiosity shop, services, trinkets, etc.
#1. FIREFLIES - where you will attract two fireflies to be used any way you like (see HELP FIREFLIES).
#1. CROWNS - places 10 CROWNS into your inventory. These CROWNS can be used any way you like (see HELP CROWNS and HELP CURRENCY and be warned: the latter is long).
#3. INTEREST - applies a full month of interest at current rates to your bank account of invested CROWNS and city currencies.
#4. ARCANA - raises your arcana to maximum past attainments for the four core arcana: bloodless balance, psycho-resonance, silmarillion and legerdemain.
#5. REPUTATION - allows the new chapters of your legend chronicle to be published for the common clay to read and marvel, boosting your personal reputation and end-of-year city globe contribution. The is the equivalent in reputation to over a hundred of the most pioneering quest completions - instantly.
#2. <skill> - take a skill, any skill at respected or higher, providing it is a normal General or Professional skill, and boost it by a small amount. Amounts decrease proportionate to the rank of the skill.
#*7. <special> - to select as the reward for your chapter completion one of the 'special' prizes available from time to time, shown when you type CHAPTER SPECIALS and typically including things that the Gods and Mortals need seeded back into the realm or particular catalysts for glorious action or items/events/reward-consequences appropriate for current weltpolitik and zeigteist across the realm.
#NOTE: the special choice is available only to those of MIDDLING and higher standing. LW, MW and LOW-MIDDLING cannot select from the special choices during their earlier chapters.
#Can be typed at any time and tells you what the current special rewards happen to be, based on divine selection and in some cases the extent of your progression towards LEGEND in chapter completions, i..e. how many chapters you have done and which one you have lately completed.
#WARNING: the CHAPTER CHOOSE reward does not stay available for long. If you do not use CHAPTER CHOOSE quickly and the next Avalon day following "chapter" completion dawns, the opportunity is lost forever. Sunrise will bring a new chapter of experiences and your mosaic chronicle will move along to the next step on the path to LEGEND. So make sure you are quick to CHAPTER CHOOSE and know the CHAPTER SPECIALS available; and if you want to influence the types of experiences in your next chapter make sure to CHAPTER NEXT <type> as explained in HELP CHAPTERS.
See also HELP CROWNS to find out more about the Avalon currency and follow a trail of informative content detailing the many things you can use CROWNS to acquire / advance your character development.