Mercinae, city of creation, stands against the forces of destruction. Where those would come and tear down, Mercinaens seek to build. From the sweeping brush of a painter, to the intricate mind of a scholar, to the hard-won grace of the fighters' art, Mercinaens revel in the act of creation and the freedom of expression.
Built nearly two-thousand years ago on the shore of the southern sea, Mercinae grew to sprawl along the river Leithe. Merchants and wanderers visit the city-port to trade, or to behold ancient wonders. From the temple to Proteus, god of the sea to the cathedral where most Avalon weddings are held, and from park Elienna to Cassiandora square, the voice of time echoes the long tradition contained by the simple earth and stone.
Being the first of the four cities, Mercinae was the first Bastion of mankind on this continent, and as such, was the birth place from which all current human settlements were derived. Having been that seed of human creation on Avalon, modern day Mercinaens seek to refound the sturdy spirit of their ancestors forged in war and strife. The city has endured a turbulent past few decades: invasions from foreign cities, destruction of its sphere of influence... yet its spirit has not been quelled. The optimistic among its cityfolk retain the earnest hope that Mercinae's most glorious chapters are yet to be written: and the cityport is an ideal stage for the heroic, noble personality.
Mercinae was conquered entirely by Parrius in the year 1264/65 and, from the ruins of their destroyed armies, a treaty was reached overseen by Aethon, the Sun-God. This treaty restored the flag of the swan, Mercinae's original pennant, and established a peaceful co-existence with their Parrian neighbours for the foreseeable future. The details are a matter of public record.
The City of Mercinae has chosen Hyperion, the god of light as City Patron and divine guardian.
The elected council of Mercinaen Barons:
Doubting Tharmas, The Monksbane is a Baron of Mercinae.
Rooted Druid Golmor, The Forestwalker is a Baron of Mercinae.
Magess Leena Starlight is a Baron of Mercinae.
Murtair Saryum is a Baron of Mercinae.
Emeraldine Veiia, Vineweaver is a Baron of Mercinae.
Magess Leena Starlight is the Prime Minister of Mercinae, supported by Crown and Nobility alike.
Murtair Saryum is the Prince, holding oaths of fealty from the noble council and chosen representative of the Mercinaen Crown. He wields authority over all civil and military affairs.
The government of Mercinae is as follows:
Druidess Skia, Nature's Dancer is the Quest Mistress.
Doubting Tharmas, The Monksbane is the Ambassador and Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Lord Bellock the Illustrious Knight holds rank of Minister for Justice and Homeland Security.
Rooted Druid Golmor, The Forestwalker acts as Chancellor of the Treasury.
Alchemist Gareon is in charge of the Ministry of State.
Sparkling Aster, Star of Avalon is the Minister for Public Relations.
The following crown appointments have been made:
Arcane Druid Zevren, Enveloped in Darkness has been honoured with the post of City Librarian.
"Let slip the dogs of war, for indeed war was upon Avalon again. Thunder crashed and rolled upon the heavens, drowning out the call of hunting horns across the plains. The Thakrians stood firm against all resistance.
"For an intrepid team were they. Their tactile, mental and spiritual prowess all boosted by the alchemical compounds granted them by the Loremasters, they were indeed hall heroes against the Mercinaean resistance. The keen and swift blade of the scarlet-clad Cavalier proved a deadly combination with the hideous demons controlled by the silent, black-robed Sorcerer.
"Many quailed before the venomous spittle and dextrous knife-wielding of the anarchic Thieves that flitted to and fro. And all the while, fire and damning curses were rained down upon their enemies, enacted by the mysterious Seers who sat in safety many leagues away.
"And when all was said and done, they stood victorious, and left the battlefield, borne of the wings of a mighty dragon that was enslaved by the magic of the Warlocks, leaving only a bitter scent of brimstone in the air that vanished with gentle zephyrs.
"For heroes many were the Thakrians. Their successes came from the power and solidarity that binds society together deep behind the obsidian walls of their city. Indeed, where else in Avalon could any place lay the same claims to glory as Thakria, the City of Miracles?"
The City of Thakria has chosen Cornelius, the all-consuming and Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance as City Patron and divine guardian.
The elected council of Thakrian Barons:
Sepultura, Spawn of the Underworld is a Baron of Thakria.
Lichlord Lysaer is a Baron of Thakria.
Sarvar Vizaresh, Daeva Of Vengeance is a Baron of Thakria.
The Great Milenko, Mentally Sound is a Baron of Thakria.
The ghost of Maldor, de le Erinyes is a Baron of Thakria.
Voyeuristic Haundle Mors Comedenti is the Prime Minister of Thakria, supported by Crown and Nobility alike.
Sarvar Vizaresh, Daeva Of Vengeance holds authority by divine right as the Cardinal of Thakria. He is absent from Thakria at this time.
The government of Thakria is as follows:
Remington Stele is the Field Marshall. Remington Stele is in charge of the Ministry of State.
Grand Seer Tabaka The Relentless is the Quest Master.
Grand Seer Tabaka The Relentless holds the post of Minister for Trade.
The Great Milenko, Mentally Sound is the Minister for Public Relations.
The ghost of Maldor, de le Erinyes holds rank of Minister for Justice and Homeland Security.
The following crown appointments have been made:
Grand Seer Tabaka The Relentless has been honoured with the post of City Librarian.
Centuries ago Avalon had good and evil and light and dark and a choice before every Avalonian: am I Mercinaen or am I Thakrian; am I for the good and the light or the evil and the dark? And for many this was identity enough and the many were satisfied. Some however were not content to be one of the many. They believed in individuals as shades of good and evil; shadow and luminescence. They perceived Liberty, Equality and Fraternity as more important than alignment and stolid morality.
These individuals who would not be absorbed or defined or compromised became wanderers, seekers of something they could not define. Some went to sea and began the pirate tradition, out of sheer lust for life; some explored the farthest reaches of the land, scaling Mount Sapience, penenetrating the Gantian Eye, delving the Gabbadian catacombs, braving the sight of the very Doors of Night beyond the western horizon. All the while they sought a homeland, these disparate individuals, a place where they could live and be free and be first among equals and be secure in an ideal fraternity. It was Brucos and his serf Triekos first hoisted the flag of the crossed cutlasses; it was Marie, Procyon and Calladan who raised bastions strong enough to defend a fledgling city and sent out the call across land and sea...
In Parrius all are free and live Liberty, all are unfettered by custom and creed and live Equality, all are united in unwavering defence of one another's sacred individuality and thus Fraternity. This is the City of the East, a jewel more brilliant than the gems of any pirate horde; guarding the Sunrise Seas and resolutely inviolate and steadfast and proud.
No enemy legion has ever breached the great walls and gatehouses of Parrius, nor have foreign armies prevailed to win a single footfall on its blessed streets. Avalon's third great city is oft accounted first among equals and certainly it is a symbol that drives the ambition of all Parrians whose passionate hearts hold their homeland the proud embodiment of freedom, a truth emblazoned - no matter the ebb and flow of worldly events - on Avalon history for over half a thousand years.
The City of Parrius has chosen Ashvani, goddess of the moon as City Patron and divine guardian.
The elected council of Parrian Barons:
Bad Tempre, the Rainmaker is a Baron of Parrius.
Runewench Shelaheil, Bringer Of Lore is a Baron of Parrius.
Empyreal Mysterin Vizaresh is a Baron of Parrius.
Earthen Lord Hayt, Naked With A Guitar is a Baron of Parrius.
Artisan Arcuzark is a Baron of Parrius.
Bad Tempre, the Rainmaker holds authority by divine right as the Cardinal of Parrius. His presence is sporadic.
Empyreal Mysterin Vizaresh is the Princess, holding oaths of fealty from the noble council and chosen representative of the Parrian Crown. She wields authority over all civil and military affairs.
The government of Parrius is as follows:
Smurfette Laiquendai, the Mouse Mermaid holds the post of Minister for Trade.
Peachy Phiona, Waif of the Woods acts as Chancellor of the Treasury.
Bad Tempre, the Rainmaker is the Ambassador and Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Runewench Shelaheil, Bringer Of Lore is in charge of the Ministry of State.
Earthen Lord Hayt, Naked With A Guitar holds rank of Minister for Justice and Homeland Security.
Artisan Arcuzark is the Minister for Public Relations.
The following crown appointments have been made:
Empyreal Mysterin Vizaresh has been honoured with the post of City Librarian.
Silverfalls, city of the Rampant Lion, was born in the year 1268 under the terms of Armistice treaty 59-61 between Princess Chasity of the war razed Springdale and Prince Trakea of Thakria with scant resources, no guilds, and a tiny citizenry. On the 5th day of Eleuthral in the year 1293, after much work and dedication by its founding members, and having surpassed the terms required of them, Silverfalls was declared a City in Full.
Silverfalls boasts of their commitment to fighter prowess, imposing stringent new-citizen criteria, as none are automatically accepted into citizenship. Silverfalls follows neither the ideals of good or evil, but rather prefer fighting against their own causes of perceived corruption with all the characteristics of the Lion: Intimidation, Strength, Courage, Fearlessness, and unbendable Loyalty to their Pride.
The gatekeeper to the buried ruins of old Springdale, sister city to the falls, can be found on the paved roadway leading west out of their city gate. Silverfalls considers themselves a city of the shadows as much of the city design is indoors, and built into the caverns of the Northern Highlands behind the great Waterfalls of the Silverlight river. Such purposeful shadows serving as refuge from un-welcomed elements.
Count Athelstone, Monarch of Falls and noble Clansman from the Northern Highlands, can often be found overlooking the the Majesty of the City on the Glorious Balcony inside the Silverfalls City Tower. Young Betsy can still be found playing by the city walls near the city docks. And Iskandar, the beloved Novice Tutor, can be found looking after the cities young misfits and orphans in the locale Orphanage hidden behind the waterfalls cavern ledge, near the small park over looking the Silverlight.
The City of Silverfalls has chosen Andromeda, goddess of dreams as City Patron and divine guardian.
The elected council of Silverfallian Barons:
Dreamflower Zazenaie of the moonlight is a Baron of Silverfalls.
Chaotic Capri, Queen Bee is a Baron of Silverfalls.
Skank-Boss Scorpio, the Slumlord is a Baron of Silverfalls.
Whystler, The Phantom of the Opera is a Baron of Silverfalls.
Truely Terrible Trinx is the Prime Minister of Silverfalls, supported by Crown and Nobility alike.
The government of Silverfalls is as follows:
Lionheart Pryrates, Father of Silverfalls is the Field Marshall. Lionheart Pryrates, Father of Silverfalls is in charge of the Ministry of State.
Chaotic Capri, Queen Bee is the Quest Mistress.
Finbar holds the post of Minister for Trade.
Whystler, The Phantom of the Opera is the Minister for Public Relations.
The following crown appointments have been made:
Dreamflower Zazenaie of the moonlight has been honoured with the post of City Librarian.
Gant is a seldom-seen, perhaps mythical city hidden away in the northern mountains. Few have passed its gates and returned to tell the tale. Gant is most known in the realm nowadays for its currency - the Gantian crown - becoming a de facto universal hard coinage for the entire continent.