You most likely have progressed to the point of using some kind of client like zMUD/cMUD, TF or Mudlet, which all have their differences. Common among them are aliases ('pos' = cure possession demon, 'alh' = allheale, etc.) and macros (in TF, '/pos', '/alh' -- note that these do not exist in Mudlet, only aliases), the difference between them being an alias looks like it's being sent to Avalon but it is actually translated by your client first, whereas a macro is obviously a command to your client (c..f. HELP THEORYGLOSSARY). They are essentially the same with the exception that aliases are more intuitive.
However, Avalon has its own internal macros and targets system (Type M and T in Avalon and you'll see). At first glance, it is not as wide-ranging as something you could code for your client, but most people do not know that Avalon macros are faster than client macros. The reason for this is rather technical (amount of data sent to the server, etc.) but the benefits are obvious. The second advantage is that it's very easy to setup new macros in the middle of a fight. For example, in zMUD, if you suddenly noticed you don't have BREAK FREE on a macro/alias, you'd have to go through an unwieldy process of defining a new command.
To make an Avalon macro, just press the up key (in zMUD or Mudlet, or Ctrl-P in TF) to recall when you typed BREAK FREE, go to the beginning of the line and quickly type in SM 61 (or whatever number you want to give it). Bang. 61. Easy to remember. Use it next time and hey, you're set to deal with those pesky webs for ever more. What's better, you don't have to worry about losing your setting. In future, you should have an alias or macro that recalls your last commands and sets an internal macro to what you last typed so that you can build temporary and permanent settings in the heat of battle.
Using the targets system in a similar way is equally wise. You will definitely have something setup in your MUD client, but to have something like custom compulsed orders (ORDER victim CAST) can be done very quickly with 'ST 6 cast' and a macro which looks like this: rub febfendu on broadsword::rub shirolos on longsword::jj !1::order !1 !6.
You may now think: hang on, I can use both. You're right and I'd strongly recommend it. In fact, it's what I ended up using and stick to even today. All my actual macros are in Avalon, but they are bound to F-keys in my client, put in aliases, etc. All my settings are references to numbers for the most part, or built on a combination of them. It's the safest, fastest, easiest way. You never lose these core settings.
With that said, I'll talk no more about how you should be making your settings. Your personal preference may greatly outweigh the benefits I list above and what is fastest for you is all that matters in the end.
TRICK OF THE TRADE: Avalon macros can be typed one after another, separated by a space, to execute them in that order before you hit enter. For example '101 99 81', where 101 would set targets 3 and 4 to mandrake, 99 would rub it on your swords and 81 would JJ. Likewise, commands can be sent in order by separating them with double semi-colon such as: tolerance ;; outp mandrake ;; intolerance'.
To continue, read HELP BASICS.