Of similar importance to the major cities in Avalon is the extensive infrastructure of villages and towns which, although individually far smaller in size, are collectively a part of the continent's economy. Towns grew from villages; close-knit conurbations that, with time, linked together to form a more sizeable community.
Speckling the northern and eastern prairies of Avalon are dozens of villages that range from the small hamlet of Ladakh to the large trading plains settlement of Kritanisti. Any of the villages in Avalon can become a significant cog in the machinery of commerce, each and every one of them making up a part of the vibrant trading networks that span the continent. Be prepared to discover many varied, and often intriguing, customs as you pass through these communities. Some of the villages are as old as the cities themselves. Their insular communities hold many untapped mysteries - secrets welled up for centuries. Many have very particular, often peculiar, traditions. All are worth exploring.
For those keen on exploration of Avalon, it is worth mentioning here an interesting spectacle which can be witnessed every evening in the little village of Greeny's Edge. The priest of that village, Telamon, commences a ritual of worship to the god of light at the beginning of the twilight and it is said that those lucky enough to be present throughout the ritual will reap enormous benefit, both spiritual and physical. Telamon is a welcoming soul and will turn nobody away from his temple. Greeny's Edge is east of Thakria, in the far northwest of the continent. Mind also as you travel to Greeny's Edge that you are not waylaid in the snow-bound village of Snowfoot, also in the northwestern regions of Avalon.
In the northeastern plains of Avalon there are a number of villages of note. The town of Eastpoint (a short distance north of the city of Parrius) is renowned for its wandering minstrel and fishing community. The minstrel responds well to greeting and often has quests and stories for the wandering folk. Further north along the coast is the village of Astrea's Delta. Ethanius is Thane of that town, and his ancient rivalry with Orthalgin of Greeny's Edge is common knowledge. There is also a Sage who sits in the Lands Edge Tavern of Astrea's Delta whose wisdom is renowned around the continent. Lately, also, rumour tells that Princess Herabia of Thakria, mad since her late teenage years, has wandered east to Astrea's Delta.