Centuries ago Avalon had good and evil and light and dark and a choice before every Avalonian: am I Mercinaen or am I Thakrian; am I for the good and the light or the evil and the dark? And for many this was identity enough and the many were satisfied. Some however were not content to be one of the many. They believed in individuals as shades of good and evil; shadow and luminescence. They perceived Liberty, Equality and Fraternity as more important than alignment and stolid morality.
These individuals who would not be absorbed or defined or compromised became wanderers, seekers of something they could not define. Some went to sea and began the pirate tradition, out of sheer lust for life; some explored the farthest reaches of the land, scaling Mount Sapience, penenetrating the Gantian Eye, delving the Gabbadian catacombs, braving the sight of the very Doors of Night beyond the western horizon. All the while they sought a homeland, these disparate individuals, a place where they could live and be free and be first among equals and be secure in an ideal fraternity. It was Brucos and his serf Triekos first hoisted the flag of the crossed cutlasses; it was Marie, Procyon and Calladan who raised bastions strong enough to defend a fledgling city and sent out the call across land and sea...
In Parrius all are free and live Liberty, all are unfettered by custom and creed and live Equality, all are united in unwavering defence of one another's sacred individuality and thus Fraternity. This is the City of the East, a jewel more brilliant than the gems of any pirate horde; guarding the Sunrise Seas and resolutely inviolate and steadfast and proud.
No enemy legion has ever breached the great walls and gatehouses of Parrius, nor have foreign armies prevailed to win a single footfall on its blessed streets. Avalon's third great city is oft accounted first among equals and certainly it is a symbol that drives the ambition of all Parrians whose passionate hearts hold their homeland the proud embodiment of freedom, a truth emblazoned - no matter the ebb and flow of worldly events - on Avalon history for over half a thousand years.
The City of Parrius has chosen Ashvani, goddess of the moon as City Patron and divine guardian.
The following elected Council of Custodians govern Parrius:
Smurfette Laiquendai, the Mouse Mermaid is a Admiral of Parrius.
Bad Tempre, the Rainmaker is a Admiral of Parrius.
Runewench Shelaheil, Bringer Of Lore is a Admiral of Parrius.
Empyreal Mysterin Vizaresh is a Admiral of Parrius.
Earthen Lord Hayt, Naked With A Guitar is a Admiral of Parrius.
Smurfette Laiquendai, the Mouse Mermaid is the Prime Minister of Parrius, supported by Crown and Nobility alike.
Bad Tempre, the Rainmaker holds authority by divine right as the Cardinal of Parrius. His presence is sporadic.
The government of Parrius is as follows:
Peachy Phiona, Waif of the Woods acts as Chancellor of the Treasury. Runewench Shelaheil, Bringer Of Lore is the Field Marshall.
The following crown appointments have been made:
Empyreal Mysterin Vizaresh has been honoured with the post of City Librarian.