The Animists Guild was co-founded in the early ninth century by Aldaron, the god of Life, and his
priestess, Sharra, who formed the ideals that have guided the guild from that day to today. It is a
profession poor in worldly wealth but bounteous in traditions, where the guiding aims of Life,
Nature, and Compassion form a rich heritage of unity, courage and sacrifice in the service of the
greater good.
The path of an animist is not for the frail of heart, for while they shun violence by choice, they
are not weak. A master of the druidic arts is near-invincible in their woodland domain, with an
extensive knowledge of healing, herbal lore, and the full strength of the forest at their command.
Whether they choose to dwell in the wildlands and forests, or in one of the great cities of Avalon,
what unifies the animists is their spirit of neutrality. They seek to help all in need, rarely
denying aid except to those who reject the sanctity of Life or who earn the ire of the gods.
For novices desiring entry, simply KNOCK at our door and someone should be with you to go over what
the guild expects of you. Be advised, there is still a mandatory three-year apprenticeship period to
determine whether you truly are prepared for the rigours and challenges of life as an animist.