Aliases are simply shortcuts for Avalon commands, usually a couple of letters as an abbreviation easy to type that will be expanded by the game into a longer command or - more often - a number of commands daisy chained together. Aliases are available to all Avalon players at this time.
You can imbed variables and targets and macros from the old-style internal macro system. You can put in pauses. You can use autoset or presets - these are like variables where your alias can include a special name variable and this will be automatically set by Avalon to something useful, like @runeflame will always refer to your current flame rune or @myenemy will always be set to your latest combat enemy opponent. See HELP VARS and HELP TARGETS for imbedded inclusions.
Syntax: ALIAS.
Shows you all your aliases defined in a summary list, with labels to the left in {} and number of commands against each alias to the right in [].
Shows all your aliases with commands expanded against each alias. It can be rather a lot of info so we suggest using the options in the next command to search by content or list by specific labels.
Syntax: ALIAS <label> or ALIAS LIST <search> or ALIAS <label> ? <search>.
Lists all your aliases defined and tagged with the label you specify. This will show settings fully expanded so you can see commands attached (e..g. when an alias or trigger has multi-command responses).
Syntax: ALIAS <alias> X.
Wipes the specified alias from your list and releases whatever word or letter combination you had aliased.
Syntax: ALIAS SAVE <label>/ALL.
Saves all of your alias settings or all aliases matching the specified label, into the secure Avalon cache for your character. This is not shared with anybody else.
Syntax: ALIAS LOAD <label>/ALL/<file>.
Loads all the alias settings matching the label you specify, or from your general "all aliases" save, or from the file name you designated. NOTE: this will overwrite your existing aliases if the ones loaded have the same name!
See HELP ALIAS and HELP TRIGGERS for an overview of the alias and triggers system and HELP SETUP for info on setting up and editing aliases (or triggers) and HELP LABELS for instructions on using labels and alias/trigger privileges and sharing. See also related help files in HELP TARGETS, HELP VARS, HELP PRESETS and HELP MACROS.