13 years ago, in the year 903, there appeared a new face in the realm of Avalon, at the grassy knoll, in the fine city of Mercinae. Frail though he was, and overawed by the size of the land, he quickly completed the accolade quests to enter the land proper.
At this time, Shaitan had just risen to ordination, acheiving immortality in the Messiah. Tragnarion had left the land for a while, leaving the mages under the powerful hand of Hero.
Then came the choice of profession, perhaps the most important choice he was to make. This was made much easier by the guiding hand of Hero, who had just risen to be Master of the mages guild. He quickly persuaded the young Sparky of the beauty and power of the guild and it's skills, then in a state of decline. At that time, there were less than ten regular mages, but the guild still retained most of its power.
So, having entered the mage's guild, the young Sparky soon set about learning his way around the vast land of Avalon. Since his skills were at first, and still are, very limited, he put his mind to other matters, knowing that skill would come with the passing of time. He learnt the ways of the land, and how he could make money by completing a few simple tasks. Soon, he was flying about the land, faster than his breath could keep up, and had a very healthy bank account.
Having learnt the ways of the land, he set about completing his first guild quest, which he did with relative ease, and thus ended his apprenticeship, joining the guild proper. He also set about accumulating a collection of potions, clothes and items to use in place of greater skills. This he found easy, with the money he had earnt, and the help of stronger citizens of mercinae.
It was not long after this that Sparky met with his first experience of attack, coming in the form of the experienced sorcerer, Macros. Macros laid ambush north of the shop of Mercinae, and with relative ease, knocked Sparky unconcious and drew blood from his neck, taking with it a portion of his soul. Macros then use his control to remove many of the items and potions which Sparky had worked so hard for. It was a very dejected young mage that eturned to the safety of his home city and guild, and the protection of his fellow mages. But, with much comfort drawn from his friends, he set about rebuilding what had so easily been taken from him, vowing that one day, he would have his revenge, despite the vampyre which he bore for many months afterwards.
While all this was going on, Sparky's skills were growing, and with it, his confidence. He was soon able to take on wolves, bandits and eventually wander through goblin town. At first this was a very slow process, taking much time to kill anything without help, and the danger of death ever present. But he was not daunted by death, and although he died much at first, his level and experience steadily rose. Soon, he was killing many orcs and uruks singlehanded and progressed to the likes of Jaskar, and Sarval.
At this time, under the hand of Hero, the mages guild grew. At first only a few new mages joined, but the number soon began to climb, until the guild reached the fifty or more active members it has today. Sparky lent his help to those who requested it, watching and guiding those who were weaker than him. He made many friends, and soon rose in favour of the guild.
Sparky decided that there was more to life than city and guild, so he joined the order of the light, taking Apollo as his patron. This provided him with invaluable help from higher members of the order, namely Allanon. Sparky began to learn the ways of the order of the sun and moon, having joined it at the request of Apollo. He learned of the black sun, and the riual of the longnight, and pledged to Apollo that were it needed, he would lay down his life in the name of the order, to prevent the longnight being acheived. Sparky donned the title 'incandescent', and thus became Sparky, the Incandescent.
All this time, his skills were rising, as was his reputation. He soon mastered the skills he had, and began to be noticed by the higher members of his guild. Sparky also began to fight players, and soon lost his fear of death, having realised that all he had to lose was experience, which he soon regained. At first, he died often, then less so. Gradually he became more so, until, at last, he began to win from time to time. Often against people with many times his skills.
He also rose in stature in his guild. He completed two more of the guild quests in quick succession, and acheived the title Mage, which he wore with pride. Now Mage Sparky, the Incandescent, he looked on as the guild grew, lending much aid and guidance to those new to the guild. He also took on the responsibility of the Mages' shop, stocking it with herbs to the limit of his abilities. he also explored his skills, and with the likes of Casimian, Ioiad and Hero, formulated new ways in which the skills could be used in attack and defence.
He also began to take an active interest in his city, becoming an aide to the minister of trade. Using his knowledge of the land, he was able to gain much for the city, and was soon honoured with an aideship to the minister of state (Cinaed). Very shortly after this, soon after the war on Parrius, he was approached by Gandalf, the recently elected prince. Allanon, the then minister for trade, had been keeping an eye on young Sparky, and reccommended him for the post of minister for trade. Gandalf, having informed Sparky of the gravity and responsibility of taking the post, offered the ministry to Sparky, who accepted readily. This came much as a surprise to Sparky, having heard only rumours, which he assumed were nonsense.
Having accepted the responsibilty, Sparky set about finding many aides to help him in his work. Commodities in Avalon were scarce, and stocks running low. He began the long task of rebuilding the reserves, so Mercinae could offer it's citizens what they needed.
And so we leave it, for the moment. Mage Sparky, the Incandescent, follower of Apollo and the order of light, member of the order of the sun and moon, aide to state, and minister for trade of Mercinae.
Written by Sparky.