I am the sea. My length, breadth and depth are unfathomable. I am the shallows, I am the deep. I am the ripple and tsunami.
I encompass the inevitable cycles and changes. I am the ebb and flow. I give life, I give death. The deepest channels, I raise with the bones of mountains made low before my blows.
I am gain and loss. My depths yield up treasures long lost and swallow up those recently gained. I know what lies beyond the shores mortalkind hugs like a jealous lover. I am the way to discovery and learning for the wise and boundless ignorance and frustration for the foolish.
Mortals are welcome to seek my advice and guidance, but should be aware - like the advancing and receding tides, my answers will be broad and unspecific in direction and mortals may find they are caught amidst changing currents that they cannot escape.
No mortal can encompass my boundlessness. but those who wish to reap the rewards of devotion to me should know my single requirement. Status quo is anathema to me. I am never at rest, nor should you be. All followers are required to take upon themseles one long term goal. It matters not whether it be personal, for guild, city, or order. In working to improve or destroy something, you further my purpose.
That your goal may run counter to the goals of other order members is of little matter; that it may change as you change and mature is of little consequence; that it may run counter to my own plans is impossible. The focus and effort are the desired elements.
I welcome the crashing wave that topples today and the lapping ripple that undermines foundations to topple tomorrow.