Citizen of Parrius | Artisans Guild | No Order |
Zaxx Born: 30-10-2001
Zaxx is a citizen of Parrius.
He is a member of the Artisans Guild.
On the 13th day of Paglost 1053, he was initiated into the Bandits Guild (under the mastery of Arkane, Senior Delinquent).
He renounced citizenship of Thakria on the 15th day of Skyelong 1053.
He did not complete apprenticeship in the Bandits Guild and on the 15th day of Skyelong 1053 renounced its skills and ways.
On the 15th day of Skyelong 1053, he accepted citizenship of Parrius.
On the 15th day of Skyelong 1053, he was initiated into the Astrologers Guild (under the mastery of The Blu, Time Equalized).
On the 22nd day of Hindyear 1053, he completed apprenticeship in the Astrologers guild and took the profession of the Seer.
He was welcomed into the Order of Inshallah on the 7th day of Ilmarael 1054.
He left the Astrologers Guild on the 4th day of Mournsend 1056.
On the 4th day of Mournsend 1056, he was initiated into the Artisans Guild (under the mastery of Lorelord Allanon, of Springdale).
On the 6th day of Mournsend 1056, he completed apprenticeship in the Artisans guild and took the profession of the Loremaster.
On the 1st day of Leaflost 1059 he denounced the patronage of Inshallah, Moon goddess.