Born in the twilight of the times, Telemachus is Avalon's new Hope, son of Astrea, the Goddess of Wisdom and of Castigere the God of Justice, his heritage joins together the drive towards fairness, balance and honor with the knowledge necessary to achieve those goals.
If you seek power, remember that knowledge IS power: the ability to defend what you Love, to fight for what you think is Just and the wisdom of tempering passion with reason. If you believe in responsibility, awareness, strength of body and mind, if you wish to defend the weak and teach to the ignorant, turn your heart towards the source of all understanding.
Telemachus' order seeks to reflect this double calling towards action and reflection, towards fighting prowess and intelligence. No matter what is your chosen path of life, if you seek wisdom or justice... you will find a place within His Order.
Whether you are a knowledge seeker or a defender of the faith, Lord Telemachus will have a word of wisdom for you. If you strive for a better Avalon, a land where everyone of good will can have a place, where fighters and pacifists can cooperate for the greater good, you will find your path following Lord Telemachus' Voice. if you want to fight for honesty, honor, and to protect the pure of heart, look inside yourself and you will find that your choice is already made. Wisdom is waiting for you.