Citizen of Mercinae | Mystics Guild | Flagellent in the Order of Xanthe |
"Slardar, the mining bot" with birth certification: 1-3-2018.
Slardar hails from the city of Mercinae.
Slardar is a member of the Mystics Guild with Novice rank.
Slardar proclaims "Creativity is the most powerful force in business." These are his first words in Avalon as a Mercinaen of the Alchemists Guild on the 23rd day of Paglost 1446 aDW.
On the 2nd day of Ilmarael 1449, Slardar wanders from his second home, in freedom-loving Parrius, to rest his bones in the dark and soot-soaked alleys of Thakria, the City of Miracles.
The edict of EXILE from Parrius was passed over him by Slardar on the 20th of Agamnion 1450. He has been banished from Parrius soil.
Slardar was welcomed into the Order of Xanthe on the 22nd day of Agamnion 1450.
When you standing beside can feel his mafioso aura from his tophat, smoking jacket and his black hair.
When you looking at his face. you can see his evil smirk with the vision of goldcoins in your eyes.
Slardar is known to be active in Avalon at this time.
If you wish to know more about Slardar, type HISTORY SLARDAR to read his detailed character history. Check out LIFESTORY SLARDAR to read what SLARDAR has written of himself in his own words.