Citizen of Parrius | Necromancers Guild | Worshipper in the Order of Tyranis |
"Primeval Calista" with birth certification: 5-9-1998.
Calista hails from the city of Parrius.
Calista is a member of the Necromancers Guild with Deputy Guildmistress and Elder statuss.
On the 28th day of Paglost 978, she was initiated into the Sorcerers Guild (under the mastery of The Reverend Panaideos).
She did not complete apprenticeship in the Sorcerers Guild and on the 28th day of Paglost 978 renounced its skills and ways.
On the 28th day of Paglost 978, she was initiated into the Astrologers Guild (under the mastery of Urania, Eye of the Stars).
She did not complete apprenticeship in the Astrologers Guild and on the 28th day of Paglost 978 renounced its skills and ways.
On the 28th day of Paglost 978, she was initiated into the Sorcerers Guild (under the mastery of The Reverend Panaideos).
She renounced citizenship of Mercinae on the 2nd day of Leaflost 978.
On the 2nd day of Leaflost 978, she accepted citizenship of Thakria.
She renounced citizenship of Thakria on the 3rd day of Leaflost 978.
On the 3rd day of Leaflost 978, she accepted citizenship of Thakria.
On the 15th day of Leaflost 983, she completed apprenticeship in the Sorcerers guild and took the profession of the Sorcerer.
She renounced citizenship of Thakria on the 15th day of Mournsend 984.
On the 15th day of Mournsend 984, she accepted citizenship of Gaurthang.
She renounced citizenship of Gaurthang on the 16th day of Paglost 984.
On the 30th day of Skyelong 984, she accepted citizenship of Thakria.
She was defeated by Arikarr in the election for Guildmaster of the Sorcerers Guild on the 10th day of Ilmarael 985.
She renounced citizenship of Thakria on the 1st day of Mournsend 986.
On the 1st day of Mournsend 986, she accepted citizenship of Goblin town.
She was appointed as a Baron of Goblin Town on the 1st day of Mournsend 986.
On the 8th day of Midsummer 986, she accepted citizenship of Goblin town.
She was appointed as Guildmaster of the Sorcerers Guild on the 25th day of Hindyear 986.
She was defeated by Threap in the election for Guildmaster of the Sorcerers Guild on the 1st day of Eleuthral 987.
She was defeated by Threap in the election for Guildmaster of the Sorcerers Guild on the 5th day of Midsummer 988.
She renounced citizenship of Goblin town on the 27th day of Ilmarael 998.
On the 27th day of Ilmarael 998, she accepted citizenship of Thakria.
She renounced citizenship of Thakria on the 26th day of Agamnion 1032.
On the 26th day of Agamnion 1032, she accepted citizenship of Ladakh.
She was ejected as a citizen of Ladakh on the 14th day of Cloudburst 1033.
On the 24th day of Cloudburst 1033, she accepted citizenship of Thakria.
She was welcomed into the Order of Diabolus on the 9th day of Paglost 1054.
She renounced citizenship of Thakria on the 2nd day of Hindyear 1054.
She was thrown out of Sorcerers Guild by Inquisitor Dartanian of Vengeance on the 9th day of Hindyear 1054.
On the 25th day of Leaflost 1092, she was initiated into the Sorcerers Guild (under the mastery of Cardinal Solan M'Hael).
On the 25th day of Leaflost 1092, she accepted citizenship of Thakria.
On the 27th day of Eleuthral 1093, she completed apprenticeship in the Sorcerers guild and took the profession of the Sorcerer.
She renounced citizenship of Thakria on the 17th day of Midsummer 1142.
She left the Sorcerers Guild on the 17th day of Midsummer 1142.
On the 17th day of Midsummer 1142, she accepted citizenship of Parrius.
On the 12th day of Cloudburst 1144 she denounced the patronage of Diabolus.
She renounced citizenship of Parrius on the 30th day of Midsummer 1144.
On the 1st day of Ilmarael 1144, she accepted citizenship of Thakria.
On the 8th day of Ilmarael 1144, she was initiated into the Sorcerers Guild (under the mastery of Sovereign Keros, Mortality's Scourge).
On the 8th day of Ilmarael 1144, she completed apprenticeship in the Sorcerers guild and took the profession of the Sorcerer.
She was welcomed into the Order of Nostradamus on the 16th day of Cloudburst 1145.
She left the Sorcerers Guild on the 5th day of Paglost 1149.
She renounced citizenship of Thakria on the 5th day of Paglost 1149.
On the 6th day of Paglost 1149 she denounced the patronage of Nostradamus, god of darkness.
On the 17th day of Ilmarael 1151, she was initiated into the Necromancers Guild (under the mastery of Lord Gahlahas).
On the 17th day of Ilmarael 1151, she completed apprenticeship in the Necromancers guild and took the profession of the Sorcerer.
She left the Necromancers Guild on the 2nd day of Midwinter 1152.
On the 2nd day of Midwinter 1152, she was initiated into the Bards Guild (under the mastery of Lyrical Gangster Camaris).
On the 3rd day of Midwinter 1152, she accepted citizenship of Springdale.
On the 13th day of Hindyear 1176, she completed apprenticeship in the Bards guild and took the profession of the Bard.
She renounced citizenship of Springdale on the 27th day of Mournsend 1181.
On the 27th day of Mournsend 1181, she accepted citizenship of Gaurthang.
She was welcomed into the Order of Nostradamus on the 14th day of Leaflost 1187.
She receives a demotion in the Order of Nostradamus, god of darkness, to the rank of Seeker in the "Seekers" Chapter. The demotion was enacted on the 6th day of Cloudburst 1250.
With the departure of the Order of Vengeance and other mortals from the fortress of Gaurthang in Ilmarael 1271, Calista rejoined the city of Thakria as the closest to the heart of her patron, Nostradamus.
She was thrown out of Bards Guild by Master-Namer Prometheus, Lord of Firesong on the 28th day of Leaflost 1279.
She renounced citizenship of Thakria on the 4th day of Agamnion 1311.
On the 4th day of Agamnion 1311, she accepted citizenship of Parrius.
On the 6th day of Agamnion 1311 she denounced the patronage of Nostradamus, god of darkness.
On the 25th day of Agamnion 1311, she was initiated into the Necromancers Guild (under the mastery of Master Valdamos).
On the 31st day of Agamnion 1311, she completed apprenticeship in the Necromancers guild and took the profession of the Sorcerer.
She was welcomed into the Order of Tyranis on the 13th day of Eleuthral 1312.
On the 20th of Springflower 1312, she was honoured with the title of head tutor of the Necromancers Guild.
She was elected onto the council of Parrius on the 17th day of Hindyear 1312.
She receives a promotion in the Order of Tyranis, god of war, to the rank of Worshipper in the "Lower Order" Chapter. The promotion was enacted on the 24th day of Hindyear 1312.
She was awarded the status Elder of the Necromancers Guild on the 11th day of Ilmarael 1314 by Tyranis, god of war.
He was removed from the rank of head tutor for the Revenants Guild on 21st of Mournsend 1401.
Calista was noted as having crossed the thousand hours - completing the THOUSAND deed - in days of yore. Recognition came in Agamnion 1535 aDW.
Calista is known to be active in Avalon at this time.
If you wish to know more about Calista, type HISTORY CALISTA to read her detailed character history. Check out LIFESTORY CALISTA to read what CALISTA has written of herself in her own words.