One of the designs of the action in May was to attack Thakria
on as many fronts as possible. The front I was responsible for
attacking was the north greenwood forest.
This was open on the river side after the expensive and 'training'
exercise run by Parrius a while back.
I was able to minehunt all the way up and break through at a
strategic location 'End of forest pathway before lake.'
which opened up the Northern villages.
Today I see 'Before a ruined bridge house' has the gap in the forts
filled to 47k and a legion of 3782 abandoned in cluster format
facing the forts.
I then go to 'End of forest pathway before lake.' to find
the gap in the forts I had made plugged by 31k forts and a
legion of 2500 left abandoned in cluster format
facing the forts.
It is clear that other forts in those same locations
have been increased in strength.
Warfare is off, the status of 1st May was paused I thought
having multiple attack fronts was KEY to that action and
now with no way to respond, in safety, Thakria have
plugged the gap in the forts.
When Warfare is switched on what can be the state of play?
Do we gain the Thaumacie locations in exchange for
Thakria having time to rebuild theit destroyed forts in
Much of the element of surprise is lost in the 1st of May
action and a lot was committed by Mercinae and
What are thoughts to unpick this?
Written and shown unedited exactly as rendered by text based game bulletin board on Avalon Online RPG and by my hand on the 22nd of Cloudburst, in the year 1404.