Important Gamesystem Updates.

Genesis, the god of timeto Everyone

We don't usually post gamesystem updates here but since there have been some very important and useful developments later, here's a copy of my public post:

Lots of additions to the land lately, much of it about improving gameplay and pointing folks in the right direction to do interesting or useful or improving things. SINCE now has updates included so you can SINCE UPDATES and all the HELP MOSAIC, HELP LEGEND and various HELP EXPERIENCES, HELP DEEDS et al have been fully fleshed out. Type LEGEND on its own to see your own building legend. MOSAIC is yet to be opened up. Two Avalonians have passed the all important rubicon but we await the third. Dalous is doing well with Zio, Laramyn and Grymm not far behind. Agarwain and Jashiri are the two at the top of the tree as things stand.

The gauntlet \"cull\" has been much updated and doing it in groups is most beneficial for the assembly of enlistables, merchants bringing tribute and gold, etc. See HELP GAUNTLET for info and look out for the magical mirrors (they show up in PRESCIENCE and by Mallibett). It is possible to assemble a significant increase in enlistments and erode another city's tributes by regular quality gauntlet culling. The helpfile explains but if anybody has further questions, ask a God.

I've expanded the party/guide system to make it more flexible and easier for people to guide multiple youngsters - both for the younger player to find the group leader and for the leader to assemble the youngsters. The HELP PARTY file is being written today and we're testing the features: like a leader being able to call a group together to his/her location, or a member of the party being able to zoom directly to the leader, or experience gains to be shared (and losses too) without having to be following in a certain way. You should also find following in a group as a \"party\" will ensure speeds are matched so members don't get left behind.

Some other additions: Events BB now exists, READBB and NEXT work for reading through unread posts without having to enter the bulletin board, DDW can now be done by the MWs and STANDINGS is fully functional from Novice to Legend, MICRO purchasing is possible (see HELP MICRO) even mid-battle, check out SIEGE command and HELP FORTRULES and look over UPDATES and Warfare BB to ensure you're up to scratch on military matters, new DUTIES of journalist and espionage active and both important - not just for training junior/mids but enhancing the powers/commands of the high command too. Check out the helpfiles for specifics.

And that's enough for now!

Written and shown unedited exactly as rendered by text based game bulletin board on Avalon Online RPG and by my hand on the 29th of Mournsend, in the year 1380.