There'll be a brief open session later tonight attended/watched by a few
Gods and - by request - involving anybody with an interest in combat
damage and ensuring everything gets a test over before this weekend's
gem quest. Specifically: bear, wolf, tree, bat, stronghealth, fog,
Ordainable health, i. e. the expanded health capabilities; and fatigue,
persona age and XP Level influence on end-damage.
FYI we reckon the curve needs a bit of adjustment for damage against
expanded health protagonists and animal-form strikes need to have
their damage increased in light of everything being fixed up pretty
nicely for human v human regular health interplay. Regardless: it
will all get sorted out tonight.
Anybody who'd like to be included can probably show up but may be
advised to let me or Loki or your patron (if he/she is going to be
a-watchin') know.
Written and shown unedited exactly as rendered by text based game bulletin board on Avalon Online RPG and by my hand on the 17th of Eleuthral, in the year 1363.