A few thoughts.
You guys really need to stop tearing your skill sets apart looking for mathmatical perfection against every other skill in the game. Play a class because its concept fires your imagination and you want to play it
not because you dont get a damage skill that does as much as a knights twin strike.
Most skills have frustrating aspects about them, Sorcerers and thieves hate hold breath, Knights and sword wielding classes hate fullparry and I remember the arguements when that was reimplemented.
I appreciate that you all want to discuss your skills and many charming items are almost essential to the game
actually functioning now. Defelction, Pentacle, Nullify to name just a few. It also posses some skills that
are unique to mages in Sparkle, Projection and Constriction for your mists. It gets attacked by confusion and amnesia but no more than pointing gets affected by web, despair, paralysis or sleep.
One other thing. This board was designed precisely for the kind of posts your all trying to stop. It was put here to allow people to rage at each other and taunt and hassle their enemies without cluttering up the public BB
Charming is an evocative skill set that captures the idea of traditional spell casting, I think it does its job fine. Your also (I think) the ONLY class that gets it to ultimate bar the odd version that alchemists get.
Calagan, Brigand
Written by my hand on the 16th of Midsummer, in the year 1059.